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Any idea why this doesn't work?

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this addmagazine "Titan_AA";
this addweapon "launch_O_Titan_F";

To me that would start the game with an AA missile in the Launcher. However it doesn't appear?

Has something changed, I'm sure it used to work?

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I believe the magazine needs to be defined first and then the weapon to become the weapon loaded with the magazine. Did you tried that out already?

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this addmagazine "Titan_AA";
this addweapon "launch_O_Titan_F";

To me that would start the game with an AA missile in the Launcher. However it doesn't appear?

Has something changed, I'm sure it used to work?

add a backpack first... and use bis function addweapon (so easy with this function)

_muzzle = [player, "launch_O_Titan_F", 1] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

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