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How di I get my player's health?

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I've tried

player addAction ["Player's health", { hint format ["Player's health is %1", _this select 3] }, getDammage player ]; 

but this only seems to return "0" when I thought it would range from 0 to 1?

Edited by BEAKSBY

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_playerHealth = 1 - (damage player);

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_playerHealth = 1 - (damage player);

If I multiply by 100, will that give me the percentage of player's health?

Does this script have the correct format to display the health from 0 to 100, I'm never sure with brackets and quotes?

_playerHealth = (1 - (damage player)*100);

player addAction ["Player's health", { hint format ["Player's health is %1", _this select 3] }, _playerHealth ];

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_playerHealth = (1 - (damage player))*100;

Because of BODMAS. And yes, multiplying it by 100 accounts for turning it into a percentage (from "per cent", or "per hundred". i.e. "divided by 100" - so multiplying it by 100 at the same time as adding the '%' means it stays the same number).

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Also, can you please explain to me what the %1 does and _this select 3 does?


player addAction ["Player's health", { hint format ["Player's health is %1", _this select 3] }, _playerHealth ];

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The '%1' is saying "Replace this %[number] with value of the the FIRST thing after the comma". If you have multiple things in there that you want to display, you can use multiple %[number]s.


hint format ["m1 position: %1  m2 position: %2  m3 position: %3", markerPos "m1", markerPos "m2" ,markerPos "m3"]

^ is one I've used while debugging to check that my markers were in the right spots. The '%3' looks at the THIRD thing after the comma (in this case 'markerPos "m3"') and translates it into text that 'hint' can display (something like '[111.01, 909, 0]'). More information about how format works is on the BIKI.

The '_this select 3' is special part of the addAction command that gets any arguments passed to the function. You can see that the argument in your example is '_playerHealth'. So that variable gets given to the script you gave the addAction(everything in the '{ }'s) when it's triggered. The format sees it, decodes the value of the variable (in this case some number between 0 and 1), converts it to text and hands it over with the rest of the string to 'hint', which displays it to the player.

'_this' is a special case of variable, called a Magic Variable.

All the links above are to the BIKI which - once you can figure out how to find what you're after in there - is an excellent resource for understanding Arma scripting.

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Thanks for the quick tutorial, much appreciated!

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I just tried the following and when my player is shot (in the leg) his health still reads 100! This is not what I was expecting?

_playerHealth = (1 - (damage player))*100;   
player addAction ["Player's health", { hint format ["Player's health is %1", _this select 3] }, _playerHealth ]; 

...and I don't see the difference between damage and getDammage?

Edited by BEAKSBY

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