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Possible to extend view distance on roads in A3?

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Hi guys

On my terrain I have roads and lots of them. All roads fade away when looked at from a distance:


Is it possible to extend the viewing distance for the roads? As you can see on the picture the power poles and other objects are visible from farther distances.


I mean a feature instead of doing this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?110719-Exporting-Visitor-image&p=1799530&viewfull=1#post1799530

Edited by EgilSandfeld

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On my terrain I have roads and lots of them. All roads fade away when looked at from a distance

You have to draw the roads on the Sat layer as well, so that as the actual road model fades out, the grey "painted roads" on your Sat layer take over and you don't see the transition...

Same deal with runways, etc... like this sort of thing...


EMF export of an image with just the roads visible for use as an accurate "roads template" for painting was the "old" V3 approach...

With TB we have "Export shapes to Imagery" so all you need to do is export an image of all your roads polylines and you can use that as a template for painting them on the Sat (so they're visible at distance) and also on the mask (so you have a non-clutter "gravel" underlay)..

Any large concrete area like runway aprons, taxiways, car parks,etc, etc can really benefit from being painted on the sat layer (and usually on the mask as well)...

A good general rule is - "if you have a landscape feature and its big enough to be seen from a distance it should probably be depicted on the Sat Layer"...


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With TB we have "Export shapes to Imagery"...

All this does for me is export a blank .png with a color of my choice. :/

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All this does for me is export a blank .png with a color of my choice.

You need to have surfaces defined first, and assigned to colours, then you can assign one or the other of those colours to each shape layer via right click.

The whole facility is tied to ground surface colours since it was originally intended for rapid simple mask production...


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Ah like that, yes. Oh wow yeah lot of work to do on Sat still then :)

You need to have surfaces defined first, and assigned to colours, then you can assign one or the other of those colours to each shape layer via right click.

I have different surface types defined, like my "bo_grass" with a green color. That must be assigned to my Roads shape layer in Layers manager. Right click -> bo_grass. Then I can export to imagery. Nice feature :)

Bush, would you normally just fill the road network with a grey-ish color to match the road colors? Or do you some how place the road texture on that road network on the image?

---------- Post added at 15:04 ---------- Previous post was at 14:42 ----------


For runways etc you can get a nice effect as in that screenshot by grabbing a couple of ingame images of the actual runway itself from a reasonable height looking straight downwards - then you can crop and stitch those together and create a "runway decal" ready to overlay on your sat layer.

It's important to get it exactly the correct size, so that the "real models" will be in the same position as the "painted image" so you get a reasonably seamless fade from one to the other

I usually do that by using that Imagery to shapes trick again...

I draw a polygon around the runway/apron, etc - assign it a temporary ground surface and export that - then, same as my roads overlay - I overlay it on the mask and sat... on the mask it can be used to fill those areas with a generic gravel-type texture, and on the sat - its just a temporary layer - at precisely the correct size! - which can be used as a yardstick for scaling that nice runway overlay image and locating it in precisely the correct position....

For roads I generally just use a generic speckled/gravelly-looking sort of grey pattern... at the range the roads "fade out" you're almost beyond being able to see fine detail like lines, etc

You could be clever and - once you have your roads "selection" and you've filled with that generic grey fill, try rightclicking on that layer in photoshops layers list and choose "Blending options" - you'll find some odd FX there, like "drop shadow" "inner glow" and stuff - you could mess around with that to add a little "lateral featuring" to the length of the roads and fake a sortof "white edge"

To sum it up, Bushlurker is a smart guy!

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I've seen Mondkalb use that "Blending options" trick once or twice to good effect, so it's worth an experiment....


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