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Hint message problem with my MP money script

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Hi Folks,

I'm building a multiplayer money script so when a player kills a unit from the opposing team they generate money for their side. Similarly, this is done for the opposite side.

But for some reason the hint is being displayed on both screens when I test this on LAN. How do I ensure the hint is only displayed on for the player that generated the money?


/*Before you use the player object (usually to avoid JIP issues) all you need is to run:
waitUntil {!isNull player}; Anything else you see in other scripts is equivalent and/or redundant. 
Of course JIP players may need more than just the player to point at the actual JIP player unit, but that's script/mission-specific.

waitUntil {!isNull player};

BLUmoney = 5000;
OPPmoney = 5000;

call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "scripts\UIFunctions.sqf";

   if ((WEST == playerSide) && (side _x != playerSide)) then {
       _x addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {[100] execVM "BLUaddMoney.sqf";}];

   if ((EAST == playerSide) && (side _x != playerSide)) then {
       _x addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {[100] execVM "OPPaddMoney.sqf";}];
} forEach allUnits;

_menu = player addAction ["<t color=""#3399FF"">" +"Weapons", {call FUS_fnc_dialogInit;}];


waitUntil {!isNull player};    
  _sum = _this select 0;
   BLUmoney = BLUmoney + _sum;
hint format ["You have %1$",BLUmoney];


waitUntil {!isNull player};     
_sum = _this select 0;
   OPPmoney = OPPmoney + _sum;
hint format ["You have %1$",OPPmoney];


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MP event handlers execute on all machines. Use one of the regular EHs to contain it locally.

Alternatively, you could contain the execute scripts to the server only and then send the hint to the player via BIS_fnc_MP.

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What I do is I make it locally like Fight says and it works like a charm, when working with money and licenses you always wanna do it locally. SO it should be:

   if ((WEST == playerSide) && (side _x != playerSide)) then { 
       _x addEventHandler ["Killed", {[100] execVM "BLUaddMoney.sqf";}]; 

   if ((EAST == playerSide) && (side _x != playerSide)) then { 
       _x addEventHandler ["Killed", {[100] execVM "OPPaddMoney.sqf";}]; 


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What I do is I make it locally like Fight says and it works like a charm, when working with money and licenses you always wanna do it locally. SO it should be:

   if ((WEST == playerSide) && (side _x != playerSide)) then { 
       _x addEventHandler ["Killed", {[100] execVM "BLUaddMoney.sqf";}]; 

   if ((EAST == playerSide) && (side _x != playerSide)) then { 
       _x addEventHandler ["Killed", {[100] execVM "OPPaddMoney.sqf";}]; 

Thanks, but for some reason now BLUaddMoney.sqf is not being executed as the hint message is not being displayed.


_sum = _this select 0;
BLUmoney = BLUmoney + _sum;
hint format ["You have %1$", BLUmoney];

---------- Post added at 16:35 ---------- Previous post was at 16:21 ----------

I added forEach but now it only only displays the hint for WEST side.


if ((WEST == playerSide) && (side _x != playerSide)) then { 
	_x addEventHandler ["Killed", {[100] execVM "BLUaddMoney.sqf";}]; 
} forEach allUnits;
if ((EAST == playerSide) && (side _x != playerSide)) then { 
	_x addEventHandler ["Killed", {[100] execVM "OPPaddMoney.sqf";}]; 
} forEach allUnits;


_sum = _this select 0;
BLUmoney = BLUmoney + _sum;
hint format ["You have %1$", BLUmoney];


_sum = _this select 0;
OPPmoney = OPPmoney + _sum;
hint format ["You have %1$", OPPmoney];

Edited by BEAKSBY

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playerSide is kind of a strange command. It can return WEST by default for any JIP player early during initialization. It differs from the side command because it will works on dead units. You don't really need that though. Try this instead:

switch (side _x) do {
	case WEST: {_x addEventHandler ["Killed", {[100] execVM "BLUaddMoney.sqf";}];};
	case EAST: {_x addEventHandler ["Killed", {[100] execVM "OPPaddMoney.sqf";}];};
	default {}:
} foreach allUnits;

Edited by Fight9

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Closer, for the EAST side the money generated is being displayed on the WEST's screen.

The WEST side still works fine.

I tried this too and still displays both money generated from either side on the WEST side's player's screen.

   switch (side _x) do {
       case WEST: {_x addEventHandler ["Killed", {[100] execVM "BLUaddMoney.sqf";}];};
       case EAST: {_x addEventHandler ["Killed", {[[[100], "OPPaddMoney.sqf"], "BIS_fnc_execVM",EAST, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;}];};
       default {};
} foreach allUnits;  

Edited by BEAKSBY

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I think we are going about this the wrong way.

Perhaps you are trying to apply this to both AI and players, but if it's just players, try this:

without the forEach loop

switch (side player) do {
case WEST: {player addEventHandler ["Killed", {[100] execVM "BLUaddMoney.sqf";}];};
case EAST: {player addEventHandler ["Killed", {[100] execVM "OPPaddMoney.sqf";}];};
default {}:

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This did not work either for either side.

based on


MP event handlers execute on all machines. Use one of the regular EHs to contain it locally.

Alternatively, you could contain the execute scripts to the server only and then send the hint to the player via BIS_fnc_MP.

I tried to incorporate the following, but it only managed to display the WEST money generated on the EAST side's player's screen.

   switch (side _x) do {
       case WEST: {if (side _x != playerSide) then {_x addEventHandler ["Killed", {[[[100],"BLUaddMoney.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM", WEST,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;}];};};
	case EAST: {if (side _x != playerSide) then {_x addEventHandler ["Killed", {[[[100],"OPPaddMoney.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM", EAST,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;}];};};
	default {};
} foreach allUnits;  

How do MP games, like Stratis life, display hints to only the client players?

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well the way I do it is:


money = 5000;
//all others like licenses


//spawn or give license
money = money + 500;
hint format ["You have $%1", money];

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I found the problem but don't know how to resolve it.

It has to do with both _x variables from the addEventHandler from WEST and EAST sides conflicting.

if ((side player == WEST) && (side _x != side player)) then { 
_x addEventHandler ["Killed", {[100] execVM "BLUaddMoney.sqf";}]; 
if ((side player == EAST) && (side _x != side player)) then {  
_x addEventHandler ["Killed", {[100] execVM "OPPaddMoney.sqf";}]; 
} forEach allUnits;

How do I disguish the _x from WEST vs. EAST side? I tried to incorporate private but couldn't figure out how to place it in the script.

I will start this on a new thread.

Edited by BEAKSBY

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