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Fighter jet Combat Fundamentals Manual

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Version 1.0

This manual is based on Multi-command handbook 11-F16 volume 5. Most information is left out due to the limits of Arma’s air operations, avionics and area of operations. This brings a 290 page manual back to little less than 50 pages.

The manual is designed to provide pilots the needed information to make the right decisions during any phase of a tactical mission. This manual provides no authority or sanctions to depart from the established training procedures and directives, nor is it directive in nature.

The details within this manual are based on John Spartan's & Saul's F/A-18. But are easily adaptable for any fast Jet.

Table of Contents

Foreword .......................................................................................4

Preparation ....................................................................................5

Establishing priorities .......................................................................5

Prioritising tasks ..............................................................................5

Mission objectives............................................................................5

Flight leadership .............................................................................6

Wingman responsibly .......................................................................6

Mission planning ............................................................................ 6

Debrief ......................................................................................... 7

Formation ......................................................................................8

Basic formation ............................................................................... 8

Tactical formation ........................................................................... 9

Tactical turns .................................................................................12

Air to Air ........................................................................................14

Principles/Concepts Of Basic Fighter Manoeuvres (BFM) ..........................15

Offensive BFM..................................................................................17

Defensive BFM .................................................................................19

Air to surface ..................................................................................20

Manual Bombing Delivery ...................................................................21

Strafe ............................................................................................29

Loft bombing ...................................................................................30

Pop-Up deliveries .............................................................................. 31

Two ship Employment considerations .....................................................34



Extra documents:

F/A-18 Turning performance Graphs

GBU-12 Release parameters

Manual Dive bombing table

Manual level bombing table

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I have used a lot of the stuff in this manual for Falcon 4 Allied Forces and Falcon 4 BMS, it is really good for any F-16 sim and a lot of the stuff can be used for other aircraft types. To go along with that for those interested the Weapon Delivery Planner which you can get from here:


This is quite handy for planning popup attack profiles for high drag and low drag bombs. I also see it connects to Falcon 4 BMSs data cartridge so you can upload the profile without having to enter all the values in the pit while ramp starting or enroute to tgt. It would be awesome if we could do this stuff in Arma.:cool:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v452/SUBS17/USAFMANUAL-193.jpg (111 kB)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v452/SUBS17/USAFMANUAL-196.jpg (104 kB)

And this is what the WDP helps you do:


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WDP is indeed a great tool. I even used it IRL life believe it or not...

This actually gives me an idea...

Lets see if I can script that for Arma aswell.

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You would need to add OA1/2, VIP and VRP points to the HUD waypoints. It could work now if only Arma3 was in Imperial rather than metric HUD data.

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Its easy enough to script is so it eitherway works. Thats the power of arma.

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There is a mod which combines BMS with Arma I cant remember where I saw the video...here is one.

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Ideally though it would be awesome if both BMS/DCS and Arma were in the same sim maybe one day there could be a theatre which is in those sims which allows them to work together. Also in DCS you can get CA mod which allows people on the ground to ground laze targets and operate as JTAC for calling in CAS using the 9 liners etc.

This is an AI JTAC with a human pilot flying an A-10C

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