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Flyin's Backblast [WIP]

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Hello! Im here to let you all know that I am currently working on a backblast mod for Arma 3!

There are multiple ways of doing this and I would love some input.

All methods will not introduce new weapons, and will apply this to all existing launchers (Including ones fired from vehicles)

First method, and my personal favorite is all server side:

  • Basically the idea is to have the launcher spew fragmentation rounds out the back.
  • The rounds will be basically 'bullets' and will be able to mix with any medical system (XMedSys for example) without issues.
  • Handling for player inside buildings will be implemented so that they are wounded when firing. This is where I need the most help for input. This can be done in three ways
    • have a 'grenade' explosion go off about half a meter behind the person who fired
    • have a 'charge' explosion go off about half a meter behind the person who fired
    • have the fragmentation be fired in all directions
    • have 'fire damage' be applied briefly inside building

Second method is all client side

  • The idea is much simpler. Cause damage to your player if they are within backblast area
  • Cause damage to firer if they are inside a building

Basically, its a choice of slightly heavier handling for the server or a simple client side to save the server all possible processing power. Let me know what you all think, I have already started work for the first server side method.

After this mod is at a point where it is working sexily, my next venture shall be better fragmentation for grenades!

Edited by flyinpenguin

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have you thought about changing particles params? There is something like that in game

//--- fire damage related parameters (optional)

damageType="Fire"; //damage type, only available option is "Fire" so far

coreIntensity = 1.25; //damage coeficient in the center of fire

coreDistance = 3.0; //how far can unit get damage

damageTime = 0.1; //how often is unit getting damage


source https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Particle_Effects

I can elaborate more if you interested in that

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have you thought about changing particles params? There is something like that in game

source https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Particle_Effects

I can elaborate more if you interested in that

Ah, that is another good idea. I will add that to the list of possible handling's for inside a building

Edited by flyinpenguin

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An update to this WIP, I will be doing the server side method. I have actually seen that someone has made a pretty good version of the second version I was thinking about. See HERE for that. Even with this out, I think having this one simulate the damage with fragmentation will be much more dynamic so I will continue to develop this. This will take me a while to make because I am currently am currently updating my Improved Fatigue System as well as some that I am helping develop. Hopefully the end result will be worth the wait!

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