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Small Co-Op / Duo suggestions

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Just bought the game for my son and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for dynamic / randomly generated user missions suitable for two players over LAN?

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There's no random generation option in AA3, but you can build a small simple mission yourself in 10 minutes, it's as easy as that..:)

And you can include random elements into it such as the chances that a unit will or won't appear, and slap a placement radius on units so you don't know where exactly they'll appear on the map. Weather and time too can be random if you want to be surprised by not knowing whether you'll be fighting in a rainstorm at night etc.

Building missions is FUN, or you can download existing community pre-made missions, or ask somebody to build some for you.

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Just bought the game for my son and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for dynamic / randomly generated user missions suitable for two players over LAN?

Try this...


PS: There are lots of others if you look around.


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Thx Keycat...SaOk's missions are great. We'll give it a go. Wonder if I used HETMAN commander in my own mission and inserted us as a two man group, would it generate appropriate orders for such a group?

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