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Would someone be so kind?

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So, 19th of may, i am now officially 19. Woo! etc etc blah blah, Anyway!

I would consider myself an ArmA 2/OA vet, been playing since not long after its release, and stuck through the population flood due to dayZ, Arma 3 Recently went on sale, but i dont get paid for another week, the sale ends in 17 hours... And its 00:51 where I live... In 17 hours it will be 5/6pm... I wont be home in time to catch the sale. So I am going to miss out, and I don't have that much left due to pre-ordering other games and needing new clothes and stuff etc etc... So yeah, would someone be so kind to purchase and gift it for me? I will be forever thankful. And i will pay you in infinite respects and love.

If you do, my steamid is Oxylice!

Much thanks in advance, Connor.

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You already own it dude, And I'm aware of your map packs too!

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I'll take three - if you need me I'll be pre-ordering other games.

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Sorry Kornithus, but request threads such as yours are not allowed. However, I hope someone from the community will sympathize and gift you a copy.

Also please take note of forum rule 21:

§21) Use descriptive thread titles

If you start a new thread, please make sure your thread title explains what you want without forcing people to read through your post first.

Thread titles such as "How in the world do I...", "Need help!" or "Will we ever see..." are anything but descriptive. We do not allow these kind of titles and threads with such titles are subject to be closed.

Closing thread and throwing away the mouse cursor.

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