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Replacement Config issues

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I'm currently having some issues with a large project I'm working on. It will replace the NATO faction all together by splitting it into US and UK. Anyways,

No entry

No entry

currently, whenever I load up I get those errors above.

Also, some code I've done to replace some units such as the Curator BLUFOR units and the EPC Slammer TUSK never worked when I implemented them. Any fix for these issues I'm having?

Thanks in advance.

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The better way would probably be not to replace the baseclass than to overwrite it with a newly created one.

Therefore you could delete the class Hitpoints in your new classes.

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The better way would probably be not to replace the baseclass than to overwrite it with a newly created one.

Therefore you could delete the class Hitpoints in your new classes.

I just deleted them anyways, as they apparently carry over from BI's original.

Also, the vehicles and curator characters are still not working.

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