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Alpha Whiskey Romeo

Engagement Envelope?

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Here's the issue - I'm attempting to get a fixed-wing aircraft (any FW aircraft) to engage a ground target with a LGB from a specific height (1000). The aircraft will ascend to that elevation, however, when the laser is activated, it descends back down to it's default release altitude. These bombs were designed to be dropped at 20,000+ feet, so I'm not asking for much with regards to a 1000 foot bomb deployment altitude.

Anyway to implement this?

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It's been a long time since I last experimented with such (freefall bombing) but the AI always got the control out of the hands of my scripts. I ended up forcing the position/pitch/bank of my plane onEachFrame by

_speed = 80;
_cDir = [_plane, _targetPos] call BIS_fnc_dirTo;
_plane setVelocity [sin _cDir *_speed, cos _cDir *_speed,0]; 
[_plane,-1 , 0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;

run on each frame. I got pretty solid and nice looking results. Oh, and I ended up adjusting the position of my bomb on each frame too, due to the strange BIS levitating bombs...

Yeah, I know, but this is ARMA programming: tricks, tricks and more tricks. :)

If you are interested in such things I can help you more. Its gonna be a struggle I warn you.

Edited by zapat

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I'll certainly give that a try, and thanks for the point in the right direction.

Too bad there isn't a easier way to get this done. It's just stupid that the AI controlled aircraft has to descend all the way into MANPAD range to drop a bomb. Though it's been like this since A1...

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