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Title Screen/menu

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HI all, Ive got my island working ingame but when I start arma and I'm sitting at the menu before I select editor it seems I'm underwater...lol does anyone know where the coords are to change the position of that intro screen?

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Do you have an intro mission file for the Island? there you can Make anything, you want. An SATCOM, or an little preview movie....

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no i mean when your sitting at the menu screen before I select MP or editor I can see the island but I'm underwater

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Yeah, in ArmA2 and 3, its alittle missionfile. Take a look at the map.pbo's

There you can find them.

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Normally when you start the game and get to the Main Menu, you see one of the default BI terrain "cutscenes" - this is indeed an actual "mission" which you'd make in the Editor and then include with your terrain...

The fact you're booting directly to your terrain means you've overridden that default behaviour with your config and set the game to boot to your terrain instead of the default BI one... That's ok, if thats what you want.

More normally, you'd see the cutscene for a terrain after you EXIT the editor, when the default intro cutscene at the main menu is replaced with the one from "whatever terrain you loaded/used last"...

If you don't actually have a cutscene, then what you see is a "static view" of that terrain - which is what you're getting, (I'm guessing).

That can be quite an effective "quick substitute" for a full-blown cutscene - especially if its a nice view of a nice area of your terrain...

You can specify that view, if I remember correctly, in your config....

seagullPos[] = {Xcoord, Ycoord, Height};

(I think), should do it...


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seagullPos[] = {Xcoord, Ycoord, Height};

I thought it was that, after looking at Altis config it seems its (X,Height,Y) but I'm still underwater, very strange

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Bump thought this would be a simple fix anyone got any ideas?

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Just wanted to say that I sometimes see the underwater title screen even with default maps and no mods.

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