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Unreal Tournament

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Development starts today and will be made along with the community. The whole game will be free and Epic income will come from cut in sales on a future community marketplace

Here’s the plan:

We’ve created a small team of UT veterans that are beginning work on the project starting today.

From the very first line of code, the very first art created and design decision made, development will happen in the open, as a collaboration between Epic, UT fans and UE4 developers. We’ll be using forums for discussion, and Twitch streams for regular updates.

If you are a fan and you want to participate, create a free account and join the forum discussion.

All code and content will be available live to UE4 developers on GitHub.

The game will be true to its roots as a competitive FPS.

Development will be focused on Windows, Mac and Linux.

So what’s the catch?

It will take many months until the game is playable by gamers. This is real development from scratch.

When the game is playable, it will be free. Not free to play, just free.

We’ll eventually create a marketplace where developers, modders, artists and gamers can give away, buy and sell mods and content. Earnings from the marketplace will be split between the mod/content developer, and Epic. That’s how we plan to pay for the game.

Vertical shooters making a comeback, this makes all sense.

Sauce: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2014/05/08/unreal-tournament-2014/

Edited by Smurf

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Can't wait,liked all of them UT,UT2004,UT3(with the exception of UT2003).I hope it will have some big assault&CTF maps.

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