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How to stop a unit from calling out targets/disable radio protocol?

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Howdy forum,

Short of switching to the kbTell system (far too much effort at this point), is there anyway to stop a unit from calling out targets and status reports like 'low ammo' and 'injured'?

Using the following:

player setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true];
player disableConversation true;

Doesn't seem to do much in the way of anything.

enableRadio just stops everything from showing up, so that doesn't help me much :(

Thanks in advance.

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That was the solution to disabling Arma 2's dynamic conversation system. However, that is no longer present in Arma 3, so this code will have no effect.

For Arma 3, I recommend using the command enableSentences. This disables all dynamic radio protocol, in 3D and 2D space, letting only conversations play. However, I believe it will disable messages sent through sideChat/groupChat/etc. as well, so you'll want to look at using kbTell instead.

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:/ bugger. Looks like my weekends been planned for me. Ah well.

Cheers for the help!

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