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Anybody know how to use the Lazer Guided Arty? or when it will be supported??

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hi there I was wondering if anyone has cracked the laser guided arty rounds yet, me and my clan have been trying everything we can think of to get it to work but nothing...

we've tryd;

painting and just firing.. no joy

painting and trying to lock (with the SPG).. no joy

painting with a uav and then command fire... no joy

painting with a uav and then spg fire... no joy

im assuming its not out yet, so does any one know when it will be supported?

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I created a small mission yesterday to test laser artillery yesterday. It actually worked quite good, with only very occational quirks

I placed an empty tank, positioned me and some UAVs some distances away (don't want to get blasted :p). And of course an artillery (The M4 I think, the computer isn't with me now) and an ammo truck several km away. I tried using the laser designator, the darter and the other UAV. They all worked :) I just need to fire the laser first, THEN call in the artillery. I can consistantly score direct hits, as compared to having a spread when using regular rounds.

I even tried calling the artillery slightly off target, and then move the laser to the tank. I still scored a direct hit :)

I had an extra surprise. I left the other UAV (the one with LGB) flying around after finished trying lasing with it. I moved on to my next toy, the darter. Whilst lasing with it on the tank. I saw a black object moved to the tank, followed by a big explosion. That had be frozen for a while. Take a guess what that might be :p

Turns out the UAV will engage a lazer target :D

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