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A3Wasteland 0.9g Player Save bug

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Schönen guten Abend,

i try currently to save player from a3wasteland 0.9g to inidbi an becomme this message:


And nothing work...

This is my default_config.sqf:

// A3Wasteland config file// You will need to shutdown the server to edit settings in this file!// To enable base saving your server NEEDS to run with the iniDBI mod! Get it at http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?167927// if you have any doubts and/or questions about the mission find us at a3wasteland.com 
// General settingsA3W_startHour = 15;                 // In-game hour at mission start (0 to 23)A3W_moonLight = 1;                 // Moon light during night (0 = no, 1 = yes)A3W_startingMoney = 100;           // Amount of money that players start withA3W_showGunStoreStatus = 1;        // Show enemy and friendly presence at gunstores on map (0 = no, 1 = yes)A3W_gunStoreIntruderWarning = 1;   // Warn players in gunstore areas of enemy intruders (0 = no, 1 = yes)
// Persistence settings (requires iniDBI addon)A3W_playerSaving = 1;              // Save player data like position, health, inventory, etc. (0 = no, 1 = yes)A3W_moneySaving = 1;               // If playerSaving = 1, save player money amount (0 = no, 1 = yes)A3W_combatAbortDelay = 30;         // If playerSaving = 1, delay in seconds for which to disable abort and respawn buttons after firing or being shot (0 = none)A3W_baseSaving = 0;                // Save locked base parts between server restarts (0 = no, 1 = yes)A3W_boxSaving = 0;                 // Save locked weapon crates and their contents between server restarts (0 = no, 1 = yes)A3W_warchestSaving = 0;            // Save warchest objects deployed by players between server restarts (0 = no, 1 = yes)A3W_warchestMoneySaving = 0;       // Save warchest team money between server restarts (0 = no, 1 = yes)A3W_spawnBeaconSaving = 0;         // Save spawn beacons between server restarts (0 = no, 1 = yes)A3W_objectLifetime = 5*24;         // Maximum lifetime in hours for saved objects (baseparts, crates, etc.) across server restarts (0 = no time limit)PDB_ServerID = "A3W_";             // iniDB savefiles prefix (change this in case you run multiple servers from the same folder)
// Spawning settingsA3W_serverSpawning = 1;            // Vehicle, object, and loot spawning (0 = no, 1 = yes)A3W_vehicleSpawning = 1;           // If serverSpawning = 1, spawn vehicles in towns (0 = no, 1 = yes)A3W_boatSpawning = 1;              // If serverSpawning = 1, spawn boats at marked areas near coasts (0 = no, 1 = yes)A3W_heliSpawning = 1;              // If serverSpawning = 1, spawn helicopters in some towns and airfields (0 = no, 1 = yes)A3W_planeSpawning = 1;             // If serverSpawning = 1, spawn planes at some airfields (0 = no, 1 = yes)A3W_boxSpawning = 0;               // If serverSpawning = 1, spawn weapon crates in 50% towns (0 = no, 1 = yes)A3W_baseBuilding = 1;              // If serverSpawning = 1, spawn base parts in towns (0 = no, 1 = yes)
// Loot settingsA3W_buildingLoot = 1;              // Spawn loot in all buildings (0 = no, 1 = yes)A3W_vehicleloot = 1;               // Level of loot added to vehicles (0 = none, 1 = weapon OR items, 2 = weapon AND items, 3 = two weapons AND items) - 2 or 3 recommended if buildingLoot = 0
// Mission settingsA3W_serverMissions = 1;            // Enable server missions (0 = no, 1 = yes)A3W_missionsDifficulty = 0;        // Missions difficulty (0 = normal, 1 = hard)
// Work-in-progress to be included in v1:// A3W_heliPatrolMissions = 1;        // Enable missions involving flying helicopters piloted by AI (0 = no, 1 = yes)// A3W_underWaterMissions = 1;        // Enable underwater missions which require diving gear (0 = no, 1 = yes)// A3W_mainMissionTimeout = 60*60;    // Time in seconds that a Main Mission will run for, unless completed// A3W_mainMissionDelay = 10*60;      // Time in seconds between Main Missions// A3W_sideMissionTimeout = 45*60;    // Time in seconds that a Side Mission will run for, unless completed// A3W_sideMissionDelay = 5*60;       // Time in seconds between Side Missions// A3W_moneyMissionTimeout = 60*60;   // Time in seconds that a Money Mission will run for, unless completed// A3W_moneyMissionDelay = 15*60;     // Time in seconds between Money Missions// A3W_missionCompleteRadius = 99999; // Radius from a mission in which a player must be present in order mark it as complete after AIs are killed

I've changed this Values:

A3W_playerSaving = 1;

A3W_combatAbortDelay = 30;

I start the Server with this -mod=@inidbi

The inidbi Folder placed i at the Arma 3 Server root directory.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Edited by DeathmannX

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1 - Did u add that line call compile preProcessFile "\inidbi\init.sqf"; in your in your init.sqf files , if not u should

2- your default_config.sqf should be in A3Wasteland_settings and the A3Wasteland_settings need to be copy in your arma 3 folder , where u have your @inidbi, addons , mission, mpmission , arma3.exe ,arma3server.exe etc......

3.. i made a configuration for you (default_config.sqf) , erase yours and paste mine to your default_cfg ....

// General settings

A3W_startHour = 6; // In-game hour at mission start (0 to 23)

A3W_moonLight = 1; // Moon light during night (0 = no, 1 = yes)

A3W_startingMoney = 500; // Amount of money that players start with

A3W_showGunStoreStatus = 1; // Show enemy and friendly presence at gunstores on map (0 = no, 1 = yes)

A3W_gunStoreIntruderWarning = 1; // Warn players in gunstore areas of enemy intruders (0 = no, 1 = yes)

// Persistence settings (requires iniDBI addon)

A3W_playerSaving = 1; // Save player data like position, health, inventory, etc. (0 = no, 1 = yes)

A3W_moneySaving = 1; // If playerSaving = 1, save player money amount (0 = no, 1 = yes)

A3W_combatAbortDelay = 60; // If playerSaving = 1, delay in seconds for which to disable abort and respawn buttons after firing or being shot (0 = none)

A3W_baseSaving = 1; // Save locked base parts between server restarts (0 = no, 1 = yes)

A3W_boxSaving = 1; // Save locked weapon crates and their contents between server restarts (0 = no, 1 = yes)

A3W_warchestSaving = 1; // Save warchest objects deployed by players between server restarts (0 = no, 1 = yes)

A3W_warchestMoneySaving = 1; // Save warchest team money between server restarts (0 = no, 1 = yes)

A3W_spawnBeaconSaving = 1; // Save spawn beacons between server restarts (0 = no, 1 = yes)

A3W_objectLifetime = 5*24; // Maximum lifetime in hours for saved objects (baseparts, crates, etc.) across server restarts (0 = no time limit)

PDB_ServerID = "A3W_"; // iniDB savefiles prefix (change this in case you run multiple servers from the same folder)

// Spawning settings

A3W_serverSpawning = 1; // Vehicle, object, and loot spawning (0 = no, 1 = yes)

A3W_vehicleSpawning = 1; // If serverSpawning = 1, spawn vehicles in towns (0 = no, 1 = yes)

A3W_boatSpawning = 1; // If serverSpawning = 1, spawn boats at marked areas near coasts (0 = no, 1 = yes)

A3W_heliSpawning = 1; // If serverSpawning = 1, spawn helicopters in some towns and airfields (0 = no, 1 = yes)

A3W_planeSpawning = 1; // If serverSpawning = 1, spawn planes at some airfields (0 = no, 1 = yes)

A3W_boxSpawning = 1; // If serverSpawning = 1, spawn weapon crates in 50% towns (0 = no, 1 = yes)

A3W_baseBuilding = 1; // If serverSpawning = 1, spawn base parts in towns (0 = no, 1 = yes)

// Loot settings

A3W_buildingLoot = 1; // Spawn loot in all buildings (0 = no, 1 = yes)

A3W_vehicleloot = 1; // Level of loot added to vehicles (0 = none, 1 = weapon OR items, 2 = weapon AND items, 3 = two weapons AND items) - 2 or 3 recommended if buildingLoot = 0

// Mission settings

A3W_serverMissions = 1; // Enable server missions (0 = no, 1 = yes)

A3W_missionsDifficulty = 1; // Missions difficulty (0 = normal, 1 = hard)

// Work-in-progress to be included in v1:

// A3W_heliPatrolMissions = 1; // Enable missions involving flying helicopters piloted by AI (0 = no, 1 = yes)

// A3W_underWaterMissions = 1; // Enable underwater missions which require diving gear (0 = no, 1 = yes)

// A3W_mainMissionTimeout = 60*60; // Time in seconds that a Main Mission will run for, unless completed

// A3W_mainMissionDelay = 10*60; // Time in seconds between Main Missions

// A3W_sideMissionTimeout = 45*60; // Time in seconds that a Side Mission will run for, unless completed

// A3W_sideMissionDelay = 5*60; // Time in seconds between Side Missions

// A3W_moneyMissionTimeout = 60*60; // Time in seconds that a Money Mission will run for, unless completed

// A3W_moneyMissionDelay = 15*60; // Time in seconds between Money Missions

// A3W_missionCompleteRadius = 99999; // Radius from a mission in which a player must be present in order mark it as complete after AIs are killed




nastynak.com let me know

Edited by claws01

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Troubleshooting is for the vanilla game only, not user created missions. Thank you.

I'm sure there is a Wasteland thread around, use the search function to locate it.


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