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Scripting Questions

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i'm new to sqf scripting and i asked my self a few questions:

what ways are there to present the user some information (eg. like hints - these are the only ones i know so far xD)?

is there a way to show colorized images?

and can somebody tell me where i can find 'newbie-friendly' information about sqf scripting?

thanks for any answers!


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you're so awesome ;) thanks a lot!

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Hey, I'm fairly new too and just thought I'd share how I've gone about learning to script in sqf:

  • Visiting this page A LOT
  • Searching for script releases on here and deconstructing them
  • Posting a thread to ask

Sorted by order of operation.

That's basically it. If you know very clearly what you want your script to do, it's just a case of breaking that down into steps and finding the right commands to take them.

Here are some helpful resources I have bookmarked (excluding the above wiki page which I also have bookmarked):

Debugging (Haven't had to use this one yet)


Scripting for Multiplayer

It's also worth making a shortcut to launch arma3 with "-showscripterrors" at the end of the target path.

As for your other questions:

Hints the main one I know of. There are also commands to broadcast messages in the chat I believe.

No idea about the images, I read someone else asking about images in another thread recently though.

Edit: And now I've bookmarked the dialog thread linked above too. Thanks Väinämöinen!

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thanks guys! think thats enough to read and learn for lets say next 3-4 min. ;)

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