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Aargh! why can't anyone in resistance drive!?

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After Getting mostly through the ammo convoy ambush mission ('Ammo Low'wink.gif I ordered two of my soldiers to get in the trucks while the rest of us got into the Truck that we used to get to the ambush point. I drove along behind the ammo trucks to make sure they got back to base ok and they started to swerve left and right all the way back to base. I had to keep stopping and waiting for the idiots to get back on the road.

After completing the mission I thought nothing more of it. Then I tried a quick mission (that I had already tried before) where you had to escort a convoy. I was at the back of the convoy in a truck and, much to my horror, the trucks in front of me started to drive in the most insane manner imaginable. They started off real slow, (while the jeep in front shot right ahead) and then started to stop and reverse and drive around each other in circles despite the fact that there was absolutley nothing in their way. This went on until the commander shouted at me for lagging behind, even though I was stuck behind the other morons.

This certainly ain't happened before. Has anyone else noticed any crap AI in Resistance? And has anyone noticed any awful driving by AI soldiers?

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LOL *mental note not to read thread titles too fast* I was trying to work out why can't anyone in resistance DRIVEL

Didn't quite make sense smile.gif

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They have no common sense. Ai can't have it. I ordered them up to the top of a hill one time. They made a B line up the hill. Took them a while to get up to the top. But they could have just drove around on a slight slope and have been there in 30 seconds.

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If you bother to look around a bit, you will see that this has already been mentioned in the Constructive Criticism & Buglist threads.

Closing smile.gif

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