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Export Zeus Savable mission to 2D Editor?

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Hey guys,

a "mod/mission/what ever" appeared on the Steam workshop the other day, allowing you to save your missions you created with Zeus which is absoloutely amazing. Now the question is, is there any way to export these to the 2D editor?

I mean they would have to be saved somewhere?

There is just no way I can place objects as accurately in the 2D editor as in Zeus so I would like to place my objects in Zeus, then save the mission and then add trigers etc.

Anyone got any idea if this is possible at all or completely ridiculous and impossible?

Thanks, I hope this hasn´t been asked before!

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I wonder how this guy pulled that off. Steam Workshop is completely broken for me, so I can't even download his files and take a look at them (I'm saying that with a growing rage at people who put their stuff on the workshop only).

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If you tell me where the steam workshop downloads to, i´d be happy to upload it for you. (Obviously a private link as I dont know if the original author likes his work being distributed)

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If you tell me where the steam workshop downloads to, i´d be happy to upload it for you. (Obviously a private link as I dont know if the original author likes his work being distributed)

I suppose that's not a very honest thing to do as well.

If you want to look at the .pbos of subscribed missions they should be located at: \Steam\userdata\<steamid>\107410\remote\

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i looked there but for some reason I have 3 Steam IDs but in every one of them the 10710 folder doesnt exist. I checked every Remote folder anyway but it seems they all only have serverbrowser_hist.vdf files in them or similar files but no .pbo´s.

In /Steam/Userdata/79503433/ugc/referenced/ I found the savable pbo for zeus, not sure if its the actual one but if you want you can give it a try?

Edited by cheesus182

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In /Steam/Userdate/79503433/ugc/referenced/ I found the savable pbo for zeus, not sure if its the actual one but if you want you can give it a try?

Yeah, that's right, wrong folder in my post. ;) But I've found a way to take a look at the files already.

#edit: Nothing special about these missions... Just that saving is enabled. I've never actually tried that.

I know, that doesn't help you with your question, but at least that solves something that has been nagging me lately. ;)

Edited by Pergor

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Haha alright, im glad.

I really hope there is a way though or that they finally add an official 3D editor.

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That is brilliant. I just watched the video of it but it seems to do exactly what I wanted.

Thank you so much! I don´t know where you found this but perfect.

Thanks a bunch, going to try that out first thing tomorrow!

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It is possible easily to save a Zeus mission, use this simple mission: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=348196128 This allows you to build a standard Zeus mission and save it to the clipboard. The only problem is that if you put in ammo boxes, it stuffs up, but this can be added in the 2d editor. I have used this and it really works. Just create an empty mission in the editor and save it then save the clipboard content over the top from notepad.

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