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Losing the loadout during the campaign

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I wanna ask someone if there is anyway around this... i played arma 3 campaign a few times, and what was a huge pain in my ass was the fact that during the missions i was able to gather a good equipment, but in the next mission i spawned without it and lost everything, i payed attention to what the other characters said, about placing my gear in the boxes for it to be kept...but in the next mission when i went to the box...nothing was there...anyway to go around this or it will never be fixed?

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In Adapt, you and your AI team mates will have their weapons and ammo stored automatically (just not uniforms or backpacks) once you attend the briefing. On the other hand, don't put any gear that you grabbed in the main missions in to any of the ammo crates, a script automatically empties them after you attend a briefing.

You can keep the NVGs, backpacks, uniforms, etc that you got without losing them by placing them inside any parked vehicles like the Hunters or Offroads.

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