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Need help with a Construction Interface for MP Games

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Need help with a script to build assets from a "MHQ" is taken from "TAKISTAN FORCE" a great Dynamic coop of Bon_Inf *

This is the code->


File: coin.sqf
Author: Karel Moricky

Edited by Bon_Inf*, so that everything happens only locally.

Init script - Construction Interface

_this: the Coin logic unit which triggered this script.
_logic = _this select 0;

private ["_actiondescription"];
if(count _this > 1) then {_actiondescription = _this select 1};

//--- Logic ID
if (isnil "BIS_coin_lastID") then {BIS_coin_lastID = -1};
BIS_coin_lastID = BIS_coin_lastID + 1;
_varname = "";

call compile format ["BIS_coin_%1 = _logic; _logic setvehiclevarname 'BIS_coin_%1'; _varname = 'BIS_coin_%1'",BIS_coin_lastID];

_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_ID",BIS_coin_lastID,false];

//--- First call
if (BIS_coin_lastID == 0) then {

//--- Execute Functions
if (isnil "bis_fnc_init") then {
	_logicFnc = (group _logic) createunit ["FunctionsManager",position player,[],0,"none"];

waituntil {BIS_fnc_init};

//--- Get custom params ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//---Name of construction site
_name = if (isnil {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_name"}) then {""} else {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_name"};
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_name",_name,true];

//--- Units with access
_rules = if (isnil {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_rules"}) then {synchronizedObjects _logic} else {(_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_rules") + synchronizedObjects _logic};
if (typename _rules != "ARRAY") then {_rules = [_rules]};
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_rules",_rules,false];

//--- Categories
_categories = if (isnil {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_categories"}) then {[]} else {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_categories"};
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_categories",_categories,false];

//--- Items
_items = if (isnil {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_items"}) then {[]} else {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_items"};
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_items",_items,false];

//--- Funds
_funds = if (isnil {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_funds"}) then {["0"]} else {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_funds"};
if (typename _funds == "STRING") then {_funds = [_funds]};
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_funds",_funds,false];

//--- Funds Description
_fundsDescription = if (isnil {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_fundsDescription"}) then {["$"]} else {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_fundsDescription"};
if (typename _fundsDescription == "STRING") then {_fundsDescription = [_fundsDescription]};
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_fundsDescription",_fundsDescription,false];

//--- Area size
_areasize = if (isnil {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_areasize"}) then {[150,50]} else {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_areasize"};
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_areasize",_areasize,false];

//--- actionCondition code - if true (+ in area and in rules), action will be showed
_actionCondition = if (isnil {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_actionCondition"}) then {"true"} else {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_actionCondition"};
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_actionCondition",_actionCondition,false];

//--- Start code - by this adding action can be disabled
_onStart = if (isnil {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_onStart"}) then {{}} else {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_onStart"};
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_onStart",_onStart,false];

//--- Select code
_onSelect = if (isnil {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_onSelect"}) then {{}} else {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_onSelect"};
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_onSelect",_onSelect,false];

//--- Purchase code
_onPurchase = if (isnil {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_onPurchase"}) then {{}} else {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_onPurchase"};
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_onPurchase",_onPurchase,false];

//--- Construct code
_onConstruct = if (isnil {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_onConstruct"}) then {{}} else {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_onConstruct"};
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_onConstruct",_onConstruct,false];

//--- Repair code (set empty code to disable this function)
_onRepair = if (isnil {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_onRepair"}) then {{}} else {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_onRepair"};
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_onRepair",_onRepair,false];

//--- Sell code (set empty code to disable this function)
_onSell = if (isnil {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_onSell"}) then {{}} else {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_onSell"};
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_onSell",_onSell,false];

//--- Temporary variables
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_params",[],false];
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_buildings",[],false];
sleep 5.01;

_name = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_name";
_id = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_id";

_BIS_COIN_idAction = format ["BIS_COIN_action_%1",_id];

BIS_COIN_evalCounter = 0;
BIS_COIN_evalCounterDefault = 30; //number of frames to skip in all 

_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_evalCounter", BIS_COIN_evalCounterDefault];

if (isNil {_logic getVariable 'BIS_COIN_evalCondition'}) then {_logic setVariable ['BIS_COIN_evalCondition', false];};

while {!isnull _logic} do {

private ["_player"];
_player = player;	  

if (isnil {player getvariable _BIS_COIN_idAction} && !isnull player) then {

	_player = player;

	_name = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_name";
	_description = if (_name == "") then {localize "str_coin_action"} else {localize "str_coin_action" + " - " + _name};
	if(not isNil "_actiondescription") then {_description = _actiondescription};

	_action = player addaction [
		format ["
			BIS_COIN_evalCounter=%1 getVariable 'BIS_COIN_evalCounter';

			if ((BIS_COIN_evalCounter)>0) then {
				%1 setVariable ['BIS_COIN_evalCounter',BIS_COIN_evalCounter-1];
				%1 getVariable 'BIS_COIN_evalCondition'
			} else {
				%1 setVariable ['BIS_COIN_evalCounter',BIS_COIN_evalCounterDefault];
				BIS_COIN_evalCounter = BIS_COIN_evalCounterDefault;
				_player = _target;
				_logic = %1;
				_rules = %1 getvariable 'BIS_COIN_rules';					

				_dis = (%1 getvariable 'BIS_COIN_areasize') select 0;
				_lpos = position %1;
				_ppos = position _player;
				_customCondition = %1 getvariable 'BIS_COIN_actionCondition';
				_isCustomCondition = if (_customCondition == 'true') then {true} else {call compile _customCondition};

				%1 setVariable ['BIS_COIN_evalCondition',
					player == _player && (_player in _rules || side _player in _rules) && ([_lpos select 0,_lpos select 1] distance [_ppos select 0,_ppos select 1]) < _dis && _isCustomCondition

				%1 getVariable 'BIS_COIN_evalCondition'

	player setvariable [_BIS_COIN_idAction,_action];


waituntil {sleep 1.0, ((_player != player) && (!isnull player)) || ((_player distance _logic) > 300 + ((_logic getvariable 'BIS_COIN_areasize') select 0))};

_player removeAction (_player getVariable _BIS_COIN_idAction);
_player setvariable [_BIS_COIN_idAction, nil];
player setvariable [_BIS_COIN_idAction, nil];	

_dis = (_logic getvariable 'BIS_COIN_areasize') select 0; //distance to enable construction action in action menu

waituntil {Sleep 3, (_player != player && !isnull player) || ((_player distance _logic) < (300 + _dis))};
//itearation - action will be added again					


scriptName "CoIn\data\scripts\coin_interface.sqf";
File: coin_interface.sqf
Author: Karel Moricky

	Construction Interface system

	_this - OBJECT - CoIn manager

Returned value(s):
_logic = _this select 3;

uinamespace setvariable ["COIN_displayMain",finddisplay 46];

textLogFormat ["Log: [CoIn] %1 executed %2",player,_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_name"];
textLogFormat ["WF_CONS [CoIn] %1",_this];

//--- Terminate of system is already running
if !(isnil {player getvariable "bis_coin_logic"}) exitwith {debuglog "Log: [CoIn] Camera script is already running"};
player setvariable ["bis_coin_logic",_logic];
bis_coin_player = player;

startLoadingScreen [localize "str_coin_name","RscDisplayLoadMission"];

//--- Execute designer defined code - onStart
_code = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_onStart";
[_logic] call _code;

textLogFormat ["COIN_ after onStart %1",_logic];

_camera = BIS_CONTROL_CAM;
if (isnil "BIS_CONTROL_CAM") then {
_camera = "camconstruct" camcreate [position player select 0,position player select 1,15];
//_camera = "camconstruct" camcreate [position _logic select 0,position _logic select 1,15];
_camera cameraeffect ["internal","back"];
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.900;
_camera campreparefocus [-1,-1];
_camera camCommitPrepared 0;
cameraEffectEnableHUD true;
_camera setdir direction player;
[_camera,-30,0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;
_camera camConstuctionSetParams ([position _logic] + (_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_areasize"));

BIS_CONTROL_CAM = _camera;
showcinemaborder false;

1122 cutrsc ["constructioninterface","plain"];

//_display = finddisplay 46;
COIN_EH_keydown =		(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayaddeventhandler ["KeyDown",		"if !(isnil 'BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler') then {BIS_temp = ['keydown',_this,commandingmenu] spawn BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler; BIS_temp = nil;}"];
COIN_EH_keyup =			(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayaddeventhandler ["KeyUp",		"if !(isnil 'BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler') then {BIS_temp = ['keyup',_this] spawn BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler; BIS_temp = nil;}"];
COIN_EH_mousebuttondown =	(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayaddeventhandler ["MouseButtonDown",	"if !(isnil 'BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler') then {BIS_temp = ['mousedown',_this,commandingmenu] spawn BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler; BIS_temp = nil; BIS_CONTROL_CAM_onMouseButtonDown = _this; if (_this select 1 == 1) then {BIS_CONTROL_CAM_RMB = true}; if (_this select 1 == 0) then {BIS_CONTROL_CAM_LMB = true};}"];
COIN_EH_mousebuttonup =		(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayaddeventhandler ["MouseButtonUp",	"if !(isnil 'BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler') then {BIS_CONTROL_CAM_RMB = false; BIS_CONTROL_CAM_LMB = false;}"];
//(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayaddeventhandler ["MouseMoving",		"if !(isnil 'BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler') then {BIS_temp = ['mousemoving',_this] spawn BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler; BIS_temp = nil;}"];
//(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayaddeventhandler ["MouseHolding",	"if !(isnil 'BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler') then {BIS_temp = ['mouseholding',_this] spawn BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler; BIS_temp = nil;}"];

BIS_CONTROL_CAM_keys = [];

if (isnil "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_ASL") then {
createcenter sidelogic;
_logicGrp = creategroup sidelogic;
_logicASL = _logicGrp createunit ["Logic",position player,[],0,"none"];

_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_selected",objnull];
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_params",[]];
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_tooltip",""];
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_menu","#USER:BIS_Coin_categories_0"];
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_restart",false];
_nvgstate = if (daytime > 18.5 || daytime < 5.5) then {true} else {false};
camusenvg _nvgstate;
_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_nvg",_nvgstate];

textLogFormat ["COIN_ open menu %1",_logic];

//--- Open menu
_logic spawn {
_logic = _this;
waituntil {!isnil {_this getvariable "BIS_COIN_fundsOld"}};
while {!isnil "BIS_CONTROL_CAM"} do {
	waituntil {
		_params = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_params";
		if (isnil "_params") then {_params = []};
		(commandingmenu == "" && count _params == 0 && !BIS_CONTROL_CAM_RMB) || isnil "BIS_CONTROL_CAM"
	if (isnil "BIS_CONTROL_CAM") exitwith {};
	showcommandingmenu "#USER:BIS_Coin_categories_0";
	//showcommandingmenu (_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_menu");
	sleep 0.01;

textLogFormat ["COIN_ border %1",_logic];

//--- Border - temporary solution //TODO: move border if position of logic changes (eg. by placing hq)
_createBorder = {
_logic = _this;
_oldBorder = missionnamespace getvariable "BIS_COIN_border";
if (!isnil "_oldBorder") then {
	{deletevehicle _x} foreach _oldBorder;
missionnamespace setvariable ["BIS_COIN_border",nil];

_border = [];
_center = position _logic;
_size = (_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_areasize") select 0;
_width = 9.998; //200/126
_width = 9.996; //150/96
_width = 9.992; //100/64
_width = 9.967; //50/32
_width = 9.917; //30/20
_width = 9.83; //20/14
_width = 9.48; //10/8
_width = 10 - (0.1/(_size * 0.2));
_width = 10;

_pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
_perimeter = (_size * _pi);
_perimeter = _perimeter + _width - (_perimeter % _width);
_size = (_perimeter / _pi);
_wallcount = _perimeter / _width * 2;
_total = _wallcount;
//_size = sqrt (((_size *4)^2)/(_width^2));

_pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
_perimeterOrig = (_size * 2 * _pi);
_perimeterOrig = _perimeterOrig + _width - (_perimeterOrig % _width);

_total = _perimeterOrig / _width;
_perimeter = _perimeterOrig / _width;
_minD = 2 * sqrt ((_size/2)^2 - _total);
_size = _minD;

//hintc str [_total,_size];
for "_i" from 1 to _total do {
	_dir = (360 / _total) * _i;
	_xpos = (_center select 0) + (sin _dir * _size);
	_ypos = (_center select 1) + (cos _dir * _size);
	_zpos = (_center select 2);

	_a = "transparentwall" createvehiclelocal [_xpos,_ypos,_zpos];
	_a setposasl [_xpos,_ypos,0];
	_a setdir (_dir + 90);
	_border = _border + [_a];
	//[_a,0,0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;
	//sleep 0.01;
missionnamespace setvariable ["BIS_COIN_border",_border];
_createBorderScope = _logic spawn _createBorder;

//"chromAberration" ppEffectEnable true;
//"chromAberration" ppEffectAdjust [0.015*0.666, 0.0175*0.666, false];
//"chromAberration" ppEffectCommit 0;

textLogFormat ["COIN_ cam handler %1",_logic];

//--- This block is pretty important
if !(isnil "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler") exitwith {endLoadingScreen};

_mode = _this select 0;
_input = _this select 1;
_camera = BIS_CONTROL_CAM;
_logic = bis_coin_player getvariable "bis_coin_logic";
_terminate = false;

 	if (isnil "_logic") exitwith {};

//--- Closing CoIn if player not in rules
_rules = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_rules";	
_code = if (typename _rules == "ARRAY") then {{(player in _rules) || ((side player) in _rules)}} else {{(side player) == _rules}}; //! same condition code as in coin .fsm
if !(call _code) then {BIS_COIN_QUIT = true;}; //player not in rules -> close

_areasize = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_areasize";
_limitH = _areasize select 0;
_limitV = _areasize select 1;

_keysCancel		= actionKeys "MenuBack";
_keysRepair		= actionKeys "User13";
_keysSell		= actionKeys "User14";

_keysBanned		= [1];
//_keysSelectAll		= actionKeys "SelectAll";
_keyNightVision		= actionKeys "NightVision";

//--- Mouse Moving/Holding
if (_mode in ["mousemoving","mouseholding"]) then {
	///_logic = bis_coin_player getvariable "bis_coin_logic";
	//_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_mousepos",_input];

//--- Mouse DOWN
if (_mode == "mousedown") then {
	_key = _input select 1;
	if (_key == 1 && 65665 in (actionkeys "MenuBack")) then {_terminate = true};

//--- Key DOWN
if (_mode == "keydown") then {
	_key = _input select 1;
	if !(_key in (BIS_CONTROL_CAM_keys + _keysBanned)) then {BIS_CONTROL_CAM_keys = BIS_CONTROL_CAM_keys + [_key]};

	//--- Terminate CoIn
	if (_key in _keysCancel && isnil "BIS_Coin_noExit") then {_terminate = true;};

	//--- Start NVG
	if (_key in _keyNightVision) then {
		_NVGstate = !(_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_nvg");
		_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_nvg",_NVGstate];
		camusenvg _NVGstate;
//--- Key UP
if (_mode == "keyup") then {
	_key = _input select 1;
	if (_key in BIS_CONTROL_CAM_keys) then {BIS_CONTROL_CAM_keys = BIS_CONTROL_CAM_keys - [_key]};

//--- Deselect or Close
if (_terminate) then {
	_menu = _this select 2;

	//--- Close
	if (isnil "BIS_Coin_noExit") then {
		if (_menu == "#USER:BIS_Coin_categories_0") then {
			BIS_CONTROL_CAM cameraeffect ["terminate","back"];
			camdestroy BIS_CONTROL_CAM;
		} else {
			_preview = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_preview";
			if !(isnil "_preview") then {deletevehicle _preview};
			_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_preview",nil];
			_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_params",[]];

//--- Camera no longer exists - terminate and start cleanup	
if (isnil "BIS_CONTROL_CAM" || player != bis_coin_player || !isnil "BIS_COIN_QUIT") exitwith {
	startLoadingScreen [localize "str_coin_exit" + " " + localize "str_coin_name","RscDisplayLoadMission"];

	if !(isnil "BIS_CONTROL_CAM") then {BIS_CONTROL_CAM cameraeffect ["terminate","back"];camdestroy BIS_CONTROL_CAM;};
	BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler = nil;
	1122 cuttext ["","plain"];
	_player = bis_coin_player;
	_player setvariable ["bis_coin_logic",nil];
	bis_coin_player = objnull;
	_preview = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_preview";
	if !(isnil "_preview") then {deletevehicle _preview};
	//_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_mousepos",nil];
	_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_preview",nil];
	_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_selected",nil];
	_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_params",nil];
	_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_lastdir",nil];
	_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_tooltip",nil];
	_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_fundsOld",nil];
	_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_restart",nil];
	_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_nvg",nil];
	showcommandingmenu "";

	//_display = finddisplay 46;
	//(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayremoveeventhandler ["KeyDown",		""];
	//(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayremoveeventhandler ["KeyUp",		""];
	//(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayremoveeventhandler ["MouseButtonDown",	""];
	//(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayremoveeventhandler ["MouseButtonUp",	""];
	//(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayremoveeventhandler ["MouseMoving",		""];
	//(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayseteventhandler ["MouseHolding",	""];
	//(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayseteventhandler ["MouseZChanged",	""];

	//--- Behold the placeholders
	_border = missionnamespace getvariable "BIS_COIN_border";
	{deletevehicle _x} foreach _border;
	missionnamespace setvariable ["BIS_COIN_border",nil];
	//"chromAberration" ppEffectEnable false;
	//if !(isnil "BIS_WF_CoreCommonInitialized") then {(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displaySetEventHandler ["keydown","if ((_this select 1) In actionKeys ""TeamSwitch"") then {[] Exec (corePath + ""Client\Action\Action_OpenOptionsMenu.sqs"")};"];};

	textLogFormat ["Log: [CoIn] %1 terminated %2",player,_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_name"];


//coinn = coinn + 1;

waituntil {scriptdone _createBorderScope};

/*** LOOOP *********************************************************************************************************************************************
_canAffordCount = 0;
_canAffordCountOld = 0;
_oldMenu = commandingmenu;
_limitHOld = -1;
_limitVOld = -1;
_loaded = false;
_localtime = time;

while {!isnil "BIS_CONTROL_CAM"} do {
if (isnull (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY') && !_loaded) then {
	cameraEffectEnableHUD true;
	1122 cutrsc ["constructioninterface","plain"];
	_loaded = true;
	_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_restart",true];
	_localtime = time;

	//--- Update 1.05
	//(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayseteventhandler ["KeyDown",		"if !(isnil 'BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler') then {BIS_temp = ['keydown',_this,commandingmenu] spawn BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler; BIS_temp = nil;}"];
	//(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayseteventhandler ["KeyUp",		"if !(isnil 'BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler') then {BIS_temp = ['keyup',_this] spawn BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler; BIS_temp = nil;}"];
	//(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayseteventhandler ["MouseButtonDown",	"if !(isnil 'BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler') then {BIS_temp = ['mousedown',_this,commandingmenu] spawn BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler; BIS_temp = nil; BIS_CONTROL_CAM_onMouseButtonDown = _this; if (_this select 1 == 1) then {BIS_CONTROL_CAM_RMB = true}; if (_this select 1 == 0) then {BIS_CONTROL_CAM_LMB = true};}"];
	//(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayseteventhandler ["MouseButtonUp",	"if !(isnil 'BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler') then {BIS_CONTROL_CAM_RMB = false; BIS_CONTROL_CAM_LMB = false;}"];

	COIN_EH_keydown =		(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayaddeventhandler ["KeyDown",		"if !(isnil 'BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler') then {BIS_temp = ['keydown',_this,commandingmenu] spawn BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler; BIS_temp = nil;}"];
	COIN_EH_keyup =			(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayaddeventhandler ["KeyUp",		"if !(isnil 'BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler') then {BIS_temp = ['keyup',_this] spawn BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler; BIS_temp = nil;}"];
	COIN_EH_mousebuttondown =	(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayaddeventhandler ["MouseButtonDown",	"if !(isnil 'BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler') then {BIS_temp = ['mousedown',_this,commandingmenu] spawn BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler; BIS_temp = nil; BIS_CONTROL_CAM_onMouseButtonDown = _this; if (_this select 1 == 1) then {BIS_CONTROL_CAM_RMB = true}; if (_this select 1 == 0) then {BIS_CONTROL_CAM_LMB = true};}"];
	COIN_EH_mousebuttonup =		(uinamespace getvariable "COIN_displayMain") displayaddeventhandler ["MouseButtonUp",	"if !(isnil 'BIS_CONTROL_CAM_Handler') then {BIS_CONTROL_CAM_RMB = false; BIS_CONTROL_CAM_LMB = false;}"];
if ((time - _localtime) >= 1 && _loaded) then {_loaded = false};
_logic = bis_coin_player getvariable "bis_coin_logic";

_mode = "mousemoving";
//_input = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_mousepos";
_camera = BIS_CONTROL_CAM;

 	if (isnil "_logic") exitwith {};

//--- Closing CoIn if player not in rules
_rules = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_rules";	
_code = if (typename _rules == "ARRAY") then {{(player in _rules) || ((side player) in _rules)}} else {{(side player) == _rules}}; //! same condition code as in coin .fsm
if !(call _code) then {BIS_COIN_QUIT = true}; //player not in rules -> close

_areasize = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_areasize";
_limitH = _areasize select 0;
_limitV = _areasize select 1;

if (_limitH != _limitHOld || _limitV != _limitVOld) then {
	_logic spawn _createBorder;
	BIS_CONTROL_CAM camConstuctionSetParams ([position _logic] + (_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_areasize"));
_limitHOld = _limitH;
_limitVOld = _limitV;

_keysCancel		= actionKeys "MenuBack";
_keysRepair		= actionKeys "User13";
_keysSell		= actionKeys "User14";

_keysBanned		= [1];
_keysSelectAll		= actionKeys "SelectAll";

//--- Close
if (BIS_CONTROL_CAM_RMB && 65665 in (actionkeys "MenuBack") && isnil "BIS_Coin_noExit") then {
	if (commandingmenu == "#USER:BIS_Coin_categories_0") then {
		BIS_CONTROL_CAM cameraeffect ["terminate","back"];
		camdestroy BIS_CONTROL_CAM;

//--- Mouse moving or holding
if (_mode in ["mousemoving","mouseholding"]) then {

	_x = _input select 1;
	_y = _input select 2;

	//--- Check pressed keys
	_keys = BIS_CONTROL_CAM_keys;
	//debuglog ("Log: " + str _keys);
	_ctrl = (29 in _keys) || (157 in _keys);
	_shift = (42 in _keys) || (54 in _keys);
	_alt = (56 in _keys);

	//--- Construction or Selection
	_params = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_params";
	_tooltip = "empty";
	_tooltipType = "empty";
	_selected = objnull;
	if (count _params > 0) then {

		//--- Construction

		//--- Basic colors
		_colorGreen = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,0.3,ca)";
		_colorRed = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,0.3,ca)";
		_colorGray = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,0.1,ca)";
		_colorGray = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.25,ca)";
		_color = _colorGreen;

		//--- Class, Category, Cost, (preview class), (display name)
		_itemclass = _params select 0;
		_itemcategory = _params select 1;
		//if (typename _itemcategory == typename 0) then {_itemCategory = select _itemcategory};
		_itemcost = _params select 2;
		_itemcash = 0;
		if (typename _itemcost == "ARRAY") then {_itemcash = _itemcost select 0; _itemcost = _itemcost select 1};
		_itemFunds = (_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_funds") select _itemcash;
		_itemname = if (count _params > 3) then {_params select 3} else {gettext (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _itemclass >> "displayName")};
		//_itemclass_preview = _itemclass + "preview";
		_itemclass_preview = gettext (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _itemclass >> "ghostpreview");
		if (_itemclass_preview == "") then {_itemclass_preview = _itemclass};
		//if (str (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _itemclass_preview) == "") then {_itemclass_preview = _itemclass};

		//--- Preview building
		_preview = camtarget BIS_CONTROL_CAM;
		if (typeof _preview != _itemclass_preview) then {
//debuglog str ["Log:::::::::",time,_itemclass,_itemclass_preview,(configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _itemclass >> "ghostpreview")];
			//--- No preview
			deletevehicle _preview;
			if !(isnil {_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_preview"}) then {deletevehicle (_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_preview")}; //--- Serialization hack
			_preview = _itemclass_preview createvehicle (screentoworld [0.5,0.5]);
			BIS_CONTROL_CAM camsettarget _preview;
			BIS_CONTROL_CAM camcommit 0;
			_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_preview",_preview];

			_preview setObjectTexture [0,_colorGray];
			_preview setvariable ["BIS_COIN_color",_colorGray];

			//--- Execute designer defined code
			_code = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_onSelect";
			//[_itemclass,_preview] call _code;
			[_logic, _preview,_itemclass] spawn _code;

			//--- Exception - preview not created
			if (isnull _preview) then {
				deletevehicle _preview;
				_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_preview",nil];
				_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_params",[]];
				textLogFormat ["Log: [COIN] ERROR: Failed to create '%1' (preview of '%2')",_itemclass_preview,_itemclass];

		} else {
			//--- Check zone
			if (
				([position _preview,_logic] call BIS_fnc_distance2D) > _limitH
			) then {
				_color = _colorGray
			} else {

				//--- No money
				_funds = 0;
				call compile format ["_funds = %1",_itemFunds];
				_fundsRemaining = _funds - _itemcost;
				if (_fundsRemaining < 0) then {_color = _colorRed};

				//--- No Place To Build
				_isFlat = (position _preview) isflatempty [
					5 min (sizeof typeof _preview) / 2,	//--- Minimal distance from another object
					0,					//--- If 0, just check position. If >0, select new one
					0.5,					//--- Max gradient
					5 min (sizeof typeof _preview),		//--- Gradient area
					0,					//--- 0 for restricted water, 2 for required water,
					false,					//--- True if some water can be in 25m radius
					_preview				//--- Ignored object
				if (count _isFlat == 0) then {_color = _colorRed};
			_preview setObjectTexture [0,_color];
			_preview setvariable ["BIS_COIN_color",_color];

			_tooltip = _itemclass;
			_tooltipType = "preview";

			//--- Temporary solution
			_colorGUI = [1,1,1,0.1];
			if (_color == _colorGreen) then {_colorGUI = [0.3,1,0.3,0.3]};
			if (_color == _colorRed) then {_colorGUI = [1,0.2,0.2,0.4]};

			//_display = uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY";
			//_center = (uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112201;
			((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112201) ctrlsettextcolor _colorGUI;
			((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112201) ctrlcommit 0;


		//--- Place
		if (!isnull _preview && ((BIS_CONTROL_CAM_LMB && 65536 in (actionKeys "DefaultAction")) || {_x in (actionKeys "DefaultAction")} count BIS_CONTROL_CAM_keys > 0) && _color == _colorGreen) then {
			_pos = position _preview;
			_dir = direction _preview;
			deletevehicle _preview;
			_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_preview",nil];
			_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_params",[]];

			//--- Remove funds
			call compile format ["%1 = %1 - _itemcost",_itemFunds];
			publicvariable _itemFunds;

			//--- Execute designer defined code
			[_logic,_itemclass,_pos,_dir,_shift] spawn {
				_logic = _this select 0;
				_itemclass = _this select 1;
				_pos = _this select 2;
				_dir = _this select 3;
				_shift = _this select 4;

				_code = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_onPurchase";
				[_logic,objNull,_itemclass,_pos,_dir] call _code;

				//--- Build				
				_building = _itemclass createvehicle _pos;//[10,10,10000];
				_building setpos _pos;
				_building setdir _dir;
				if (_shift) then {_building setpos _pos;};
				//if (gettext (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> _itemclass >> "placement") == "vertical") then {_building setpos _pos}; //--- Vertical
				if (gettext (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> _itemclass >> "namesound") == "fence" || _itemclass iskindof "staticweapon") then {_building setpos _pos}; //--- Vertical
				//waituntil {!isnull _building};
				//_building setdir _dir;
				//_building setpos _pos;
				_building setvariable ["BIS_COIN_cost",_itemcost,true];

				//--- Register building
				[_logic,"BIS_COIN_buildings",[_building],true] call bis_fnc_variablespaceadd;

				//--- Execute designer defined code On Construct
				_code = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_onConstruct";
				[_logic, _building,_itemclass,_pos,_dir] spawn _code;

			//--- Temporary solution
			_colorGUI = [1,1,1,0.1];
			//_display = uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY";
			//_center = (uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112201;
			((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112201) ctrlsettextcolor _colorGUI;
			((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112201) ctrlcommit 0;

		//--- Deselect
		if (BIS_CONTROL_CAM_RMB) then {
			deletevehicle _preview;
			_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_preview",nil];
			_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_params",[]];
	} else {
		_colorGUI = [1,1,1,0.1];

		_buildings = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_buildings";
		if (count _buildings > 0) then {

			//--- Selection
			_worldpos = screentoworld [0.5,0.5];
			_selected = objnull;

				_size = (sizeof typeof _x) / 3;
				if (_size < 2) then {_size = 2};
				if (_x distance _worldpos < _size) exitwith {_selected = _x;_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_selected",_selected]};
				_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_selected",objnull];
			} foreach _buildings;

			//--- Selected building
			if !(isnull _selected) then {
				_colorGUI = [1,1,1,0.3];

				_tooltip = typeof _selected;
				_tooltipType = "selected";

				//--- Custom actions
				if (count _keys > 0 && !_ctrl) then {

					//--- Repair
					if ({_x in _keysRepair} count _keys > 0) then {
						[_logic,_selected] spawn {
							_code = (_this select 0) getvariable "BIS_COIN_onRepair";
							_this call _code;
							(_this select 1) setdamage 0;

					//--- Sell
					if ({_x in _keysSell} count _keys > 0) then {
						[_logic,_selected] spawn {
							_code = (_this select 0) getvariable "BIS_COIN_onSell";
							_this call _code;
							deletevehicle (_this select 1);

		//_display = uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY";
		//_center = (uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112201;
		((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112201) ctrlsettextcolor _colorGUI;
		((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112201) ctrlcommit 0;

	_oldTooltip = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_tooltip";
	//_display = uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY";
	if ((_tooltipType + _tooltip) != _oldTooltip || commandingmenu != _oldMenu) then {

		//--- Description
		_type = _tooltip;

		//--- Header & preview picture

		_textHeader = "<t size='1.2'><br /></t>";
		_textPicture = "<t size='2.8'><br /></t><br /><br />";
		_fileIcon = gettext (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> _type >> "icon");
		if (str(configfile >> "CfgVehicleIcons" >> _fileIcon) != "") then {_fileIcon = gettext (configfile >> "CfgVehicleIcons" >> _fileIcon)};
		_filePicture = gettext (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> _type >> "picture");

		//Clear image for undefined static types.
		if (_filePicture == "pictureStaticObject") then {_filePicture = ""};

		if (str(configfile >> "CfgVehicleIcons" >> _filePicture) != "") then {_filePicture = gettext (configfile >> "CfgVehicleIcons" >> _filePicture)};

		if (_tooltipType != "empty") then {
			_textHeader = format ["<t align='center'><t size='1.4'>%1</t><br /><t size='1'></t></t>",
				gettext (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> _type >> "displayname"),
				if (isnull _selected) then {""} else {str round ((1 - damage _selected) * 100) + "%"}
			_textPicture = format ["<t align='left' size='2.8' shadow='0'><img image='%1'/></t> ",_filePicture];

		_textHeader = "X";
		_textPicture = "";		

		_text1 = if (_tooltipType == "selected" && (str (_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_onRepair") != str {})) then {

			//--- Repair hint
			localize "str_coin_repair" + "<t align='right'>" + call compile (actionKeysNames ["User13",1]) + "</t><br />";
		} else {
			//--- Rotate
			if (count _params > 0) then {
				localize "str_coin_rotate" + "<t align='right'>" + call compile (keyname 29) + "</t><br />";
			} else {"<br />"};

		_text2 = if (_tooltipType == "selected" && (str (_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_onSell") != str {})) then {

			//--- Sell hint
			localize "str_coin_sell" + "<t align='right'>" + call compile (actionKeysNames ["User14",1]) + "</t><br />";
		} else {

			//--- Build hint
			if (count _params > 0) then {
				localize "str_coin_build" + "<t align='right'>" + call compile (actionKeysNames ["DefaultAction",1]) + "</t><br />";
			} else {"<br />"};


		_text3 = if (commandingmenu != "#USER:BIS_Coin_categories_0") then {

			//--- Back hint
			if (isnil "BIS_Coin_noExit") then {
				localize "str_coin_back" + "<t align='right'>" + call compile (actionKeysNames ["MenuBack",1]) + "</t>";
			} else {""};
		} else {

			//--- Exit hint
			if (isnil "BIS_Coin_noExit") then {
				"<t color='#ff5544'>" + localize "str_coin_exit" + "<t align='right'>" + call compile (actionKeysNames ["MenuBack",1]) + "</t></t>";
			} else {""};

		//--- Compose text
		_textHint = (
		 	_textPicture + 
			_textHeader + 

		_textControls = (
			_text1 + 
			_text2 + 
			_text3 + 

		//--- Set box
		//_bcg = (uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112211;
		((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112211) ctrlshow true;
		((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112211) ctrlcommit 0;
		//_desc = _display displayctrl 112214;
		((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112214) ctrlsetstructuredtext (parsetext _textHint);
		((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112214) ctrlshow true;
		((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112214) ctrlcommit 0;
		//_controls = _display displayctrl 112215;
		((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112215) ctrlsetstructuredtext (parsetext _textControls);
		((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112215) ctrlshow true;
		((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112215) ctrlcommit 0;

	//--- Amount of funds changed
	_funds = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_funds";
	_fundsDescription = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_fundsDescription";
	_cashValues = [];
		_cashValues = _cashValues + [call compile _x];
	} foreach _funds;
	_cashValuesOld = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_fundsOld";
	if (isnil "_cashValuesOld") then {_cashValuesOld = []; _cashValuesOld set [count _cashValues - 1,-1]};
	_restart = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_restart";
	if (!([_cashValues,_cashValuesOld] call bis_fnc_arraycompare) || _restart) then {
		_cashValuesCount = count _cashValues;
		_cashSize = if (_cashValuesCount <= 1) then {2} else {2.8 / _cashValuesCount};
		_cashText = format ["<t size='%1' align='left' valign='middle'>",_cashSize];
		_cashLines = 0;
		for "_i" from 0 to (count _funds - 1) do {
			_cashValue = _cashValues select _i;
			_cashDescription = if (count _fundsDescription > _i) then {_fundsDescription select _i} else {"?"};
			_cashText = _cashText + format ["%1 %2<br />",_cashDescription,round _cashValue];
			_cashLines = _cashLines + 0.05;
		_cashText = _cashText + "</t>";
		//_cash = _display displayctrl 112224;
		_cashPos = ctrlposition ((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112224);
		((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112224) ctrlsetstructuredtext (parsetext _cashText);
		((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112224) ctrlsetposition [_cashPos select 0,_cashPos select 1,_cashPos select 2,(_cashPos select 3)/*0.1*/ + _cashLines];
		((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112224) ctrlshow true;
		((uiNamespace getvariable "BIS_CONTROL_CAM_DISPLAY") displayctrl 112224) ctrlcommit 0;

		//--- Categories menu
		_categories = +(_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_categories");
		//_categoriesLong = [];
		//{_categoriesLong = _categoriesLong + [_x + ""]} foreach _categories; //--- Adding empty spaces will widen the box to max value
		_categoriesMenu = [];
		for "_i" from 0 to (count _categories - 1) do {
			_categoriesMenu = _categoriesMenu + [_i];

		[["Categories",true],"BIS_Coin_categories",[_categoriesMenu,_categories],"#USER:BIS_Coin_%1_items_0","",""] call BIS_fnc_createmenu;

		//--- Items menu
		_items = _logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_items";
		_canAffordCountOld = _canAffordCount;
		_canAffordCount = 0;
		textLogFormat ["COIN_ %1",_items];
		for "_i" from 0 to (count _categories - 1) do {
			_category = _categories select _i;
			_arrayNames = [];
			_arrayNamesLong = [];
			_arrayEnable = [];
			_arrayParams = [];
				_itemclass = _x select 0;
				_itemcategory = _x select 1;
				if (typename _itemcategory == typename "") then {//--- Backward compatibility
					_itemcategory = _categories find _itemcategory;
					textLogFormat ["Log: [COIN] ERROR: Old category used: '%1' (in '%2')",_itemcategory,_itemclass];
				} else {100};

				if (_itemcategory < count _categories) then {
					_itemcost = _x select 2;
					_itemcash = 0;
					if (typename _itemcost == "ARRAY") then {_itemcash = _itemcost select 0; _itemcost = _itemcost select 1};
					_cashValue = _cashValues select _itemcash;
					_cashDescription = if (count _fundsDescription > _itemcash) then {_fundsDescription select _itemcash} else {"?"};
					_itemname = if (count _x > 3) then {_x select 3} else {gettext (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _itemclass >> "displayName")};
					if (_itemcategory == _i/*_category*/) then {
						_canAfford = if (_cashValue - _itemcost >= 0) then {1} else {0};
						_canAffordCount = _canAffordCount + _canAfford;
						_text = _itemname + " - " + _cashDescription + str _itemcost;
						_arrayNames = _arrayNames + [_text];
						_arrayNamesLong = _arrayNamesLong + [_text + "                   "];
						_arrayEnable = _arrayEnable + [_canAfford];
						_arrayParams = _arrayParams + [[_logic getvariable "BIS_COIN_ID"] + [_x,_i]];
				} else {textLogFormat ["Log: [CoIn] ERROR: Invalid category '%1' used in '%2'",_itemcategory,_itemclass]};
			} foreach _items;

			[[_category,true],format ["BIS_Coin_%1_items",_i],[_arrayNames,_arrayNamesLong,_arrayEnable],"","
				BIS_CONTROL_CAM_LMB = false;
				scopename 'main';
				_item = '%1';
				_id = %2;
				_array = (call compile '%3') select _id;
				_logic = call compile ('BIS_COIN_'+ str (_array select 0));

				_params = _array select 1;
				_logic setvariable ['BIS_COIN_params',_params];
				_logic setvariable ['BIS_COIN_menu',commandingmenu];
				showcommandingmenu '';

			",_arrayParams] call BIS_fnc_createmenu;	

			[_category,format ["BIS_Coin_%1_items",_category],[_arrayNames,_arrayNamesLong,_arrayEnable],"","
				debugLog ('item: %1 id %2 array %3');

			",_arrayParams] call BIS_fnc_createmenu;	

		if (_canAffordCount != _canAffordCountOld) then {showcommandingmenu (commandingmenu)}; //<-- Open menu again to show disabled items
	_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_fundsOld",_cashValues];
	_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_tooltip",_tooltipType + _tooltip];

	if (_restart) then {
		_logic setvariable ["BIS_COIN_restart",false];
		//showcommandingmenu "";
_oldMenu = commandingmenu;

sleep 0.01;

It does not work in ArmA III environment and i need to port this functions for an Dynamic MP Coop for ArmA III or a similar script.

Greetings and thanks.

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