marker 1 Posted April 16, 2014 Ok.. I thought I would mess around with the sample files from BIS / A2.. So, in my mind it should be easy enough to get the SU25 in game and possibly working 50/60%... With the configs below, I can get the SU25 in game, with a texture, be able to fly it third person and fire the weapons. The major problems are. The config paths for the textures etc are bang on, I get cannot find icon.picture and textures when I place the SU25 down in the editor. Also, it seems that it isn't using the rvmat etc as I cannot see out of the glass. The model I think needs to be opened up in O2 to get the memory points for the weapons to attach to I think, and maybe also something in the model is still linking to ca\a2\texture path. The problem is I get a binarized error when I load it up in O2, I thought we were allowed to use the models to prot to A3? Thanks and any advice is greatly appreciated! config_.cpp class CfgPatches { class AIR2_Su25 { units[] = {}; weapons = "{}"; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Air_F"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { #include "cfgVehicles.hpp" }; config.cpp class CfgPatches { class AIR2_Su25 { units[] = {Su25}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.100000; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Air_F"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { #include "cfgBase.hpp" class Su25_IND_F: Su25_a3 { scope = 2; side = 1; faction=IND_F; crew= I_pilot_F; typicalCargo[]={I_pilot_F}; displayName = "SU25"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = { "air2\Su25\data\su25_body1_cdf_co.paa", "air2\Su25\data\su25_body2_cdf_co.paa" }; }; class Su25_Ind_G_F: Su25_a3 { scope = 2; side = 2; faction=IND_G_F; crew= I_pilot_F; typicalCargo[]={I_pilot_F}; displayName = "SU25"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = { "air2\Su25\data\su25_body1_rus_co.paa", "air2\Su25\data\su25_body2_rus_co.paa" }; }; class Su39: Su25_a3 { scope = 2; side = 0; faction=OPF_F; crew= O_pilot_F; typicalCargo[]={O_pilot_F}; displayName = "SU39"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = { "air2\Su25\data\su25_body1_rus_co.paa", "air2\Su25\data\su25_body2_rus_co.paa" }; class Library { libTextDesc = "SU39_opf"; }; }; }; cfgVehicles // Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys class CfgVehicles { class Air; // External class reference class Plane : Air { class NewTurret; // External class reference class ViewPilot; // External class reference }; class Su25_base : Plane { destrType = "DestructWreck"; model = "air2\su25\su25.p3d"; displayName = "SU25"; icon = "\air2\data\su25icomap_su25.paa"; picture = "\air2\data\su25.paa"; simulation = "airplane"; animated = true; mapSize = 17; attenuationEffectType = "HeliAttenuation"; class Library { libTextDesc = "Su25_cdf"; }; weapons[] = {"Cannon_30mm_Plane_CAS_02_F", "Missile_AA_03_Plane_CAS_02_F", "Missile_AGM_01_Plane_CAS_02_F", "Rocket_03_HE_Plane_CAS_02_F", "Rocket_03_AP_Plane_CAS_02_F", "Bomb_03_Plane_CAS_02_F", "CMFlareLauncher"}; magazines[] = {"500Rnd_Cannon_30mm_Plane_CAS_02_F", "2Rnd_Missile_AA_03_F", "4Rnd_Missile_AGM_01_F", "2Rnd_Bomb_03_F", "20Rnd_Rocket_03_HE_F", "20Rnd_Rocket_03_AP_F", "120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"}; soundGetIn[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\getin", 0.562341, 1}; soundGetOut[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\getout", 0.562341, 1, 40}; soundDammage[] = {"", 0.562341, 1}; soundEngineOnInt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_start_int", 0.794328, 1.0}; soundEngineOnExt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_start_ext", 1.0, 1.0, 500}; soundEngineOffInt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_stop_int", 0.794328, 1.0}; soundEngineOffExt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_stop_ext", 1.0, 1.0, 500}; soundLocked[] = {"\A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\locked_1", 0.1, 1}; soundIncommingMissile[] = {"\A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\locked_3", 0.1, 1.5}; soundGearUp[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\gear_up", 0.794328, 1.0, 150}; soundGearDown[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\gear_down", 0.794328, 1.0, 150}; soundFlapsUp[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\Flaps_Up", 0.630957, 1.0, 100}; soundFlapsDown[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\Flaps_Down", 0.630957, 1.0, 100}; class Sounds { class EngineLowOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_engine_idle_ext", db5, 1.0, 2100}; frequency = "1.0 min (rpm + 0.5)"; volume = "camPos*2*(rpm factor[0.95, 0])*(rpm factor[0, 0.95])"; }; class EngineHighOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_engine_max_ext", db6, 1.2, 2500}; frequency = "1"; volume = "camPos*4*(rpm factor[0.5, 1.1])*(rpm factor[1.1, 0.5])"; }; class ForsageOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_forsage_ext", 2.51189, 1.2, 2800}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(thrust factor[0.6, 1.0])"; cone[] = {3.14, 3.92, 2.0, 0.5}; }; class WindNoiseOut { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\noise", 0.562341, 1.0, 150}; frequency = "(0.1+(1.2*(speed factor[1, 150])))"; volume = "camPos*(speed factor[1, 150])"; }; class EngineLowIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_engine_idle_int", 0.630957, 1.0}; frequency = "1.0 min (rpm + 0.5)"; volume = "(1-camPos)*((rpm factor[0.7, 0.1])*(rpm factor[0.1, 0.7]))"; }; class EngineHighIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_engine_max_int", 0.630957, 1.2}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(1-camPos)*(rpm factor[0.85, 1.0])"; }; class ForsageIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\CAS_02_forsage_int", 0.630957, 1.2}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(1-camPos)*(engineOn*(thrust factor[0.6, 1.0]))"; }; class WindNoiseIn { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_02\noise_int", db-6, 1.0}; frequency = "(0.1+(1.2*(speed factor[1, 150])))"; volume = "(1-camPos)*(speed factor[1, 150])"; }; }; driverAction = "pilot_plane_cas_02"; getinAction = "pilot_plane_cas_02_Enter"; getoutaction = "pilot_plane_cas_02_Exit"; precisegetinout = 1; viewDriverShadowDiff = 0.5; viewDriverShadowAmb = 0.5; accuracy = 0.2; // accuracy needed to recognize type of this target landingSpeed = 220; acceleration = 250; maxSpeed = 900; // max speed on level road, km/h armor = 75; damageResistance = 0.00485; armorStructured = 1; irScanRangeMin = 100; irScanRangeMax = 10000; irScanToEyeFactor = 3; aileronSensitivity = 0.9; // relative aileron sensitivity elevatorSensitivity = 0.8; // relative elevator sensitivity envelope[] = {0.0, 0.1, 0.65, 2.2, 3.7, 5.3, 6.0, 5.5, 5.6, 4.8, 3.6, 1.8, 0}; //landingAoa = "rad 10"; landingAoa = 0.174533; laserScanner = true; gunAimDown = 0.045; cabinOpening = 1; driverLeftHandAnimName = ""; driverRightHandAnimName = "ControlStick"; memoryPointLRocket = "L raketa"; memoryPointRRocket = "P raketa"; flapsFrictionCoef = 0.32; minFireTime = 30; // minimal time spent firing on single target // threat (VSoft, VArmor, VAir), how threatening vehicle is to unit types threat[] = {1, 1, 1}; class Reflectors { class Left { color[] = {0.8, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0}; ambient[] = {0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 1.0}; position = "L svetlo"; direction = "konec L svetla"; hitpoint = "L svetlo"; selection = "L svetlo"; size = 1; brightness = 1.0; class Attenuation { start = 0; constant = 0; linear = 5; quadratic = 2; hardLimitStart = 400; hardLimitEnd = 500; }; }; class Right { color[] = {0.8, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0}; ambient[] = {0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 1.0}; position = "P svetlo"; direction = "konec P svetla"; hitpoint = "P svetlo"; selection = "P svetlo"; size = 1; brightness = 1.0; class Attenuation { start = 0; constant = 0; linear = 5; quadratic = 2; hardLimitStart = 400; hardLimitEnd = 500; }; }; }; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"air2\Su25\data\su25_body1_cdf_co.paa", "air2\Su25\data\su25_body2_cdf_co.paa"}; class Damage { tex[] = {}; mat[] = {"\air2\Su25\data\su25_glass.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_glass_damage.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_glass_damage.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_glass_in.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_glass_in_damage.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_glass_in_damage.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_body1.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_body1_damage.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_body1_destruct.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_body2.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_body2_damage.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_body2_destruct.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_glass.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_glass_damage.rvmat", "\air2\Su25\data\su25_glass_destruct.rvmat"}; }; class MFD { class AirplaneHUD { class Pos10Vector { type = "vector"; pos0[] = {0.52, 0.03+0.06}; pos10[] = {2.02, 1.29}; }; topLeft = "HUD LH"; topRight = "HUD PH"; bottomLeft = "HUD LD"; borderLeft = 0; borderRight = 0; borderTop = 0; borderBottom = 0; color[] = {0, 1, 0, 0.1}; class Bones { class ILS_H { type = "ils"; pos0[] = {0.5, 0.5+0.06}; pos3[] = {0.95, 0.5+0.06}; }; class ILS_W : ILS_H { pos3[] = {0.5, 0.92}; }; class PlaneW { type = "fixed"; pos[] = {0.5, 0.5+0.06}; }; class HorizonBankMGun { type = "rotational"; source = "HorizonBank"; center[] = {0, 0}; min = -6.28319; max = 6.28319; minAngle = -360; maxAngle = 360; aspectRatio = 0.8; }; class HorizonBankReverted { type = "rotational"; source = "HorizonBank"; center[] = {0, 0}; min = -3.14159265*2; max = 3.14159265*2; minAngle = 360; maxAngle = -360; aspectRatio = 0.8; }; class HorizonDive { source = "horizonDive"; type = "linear"; min = -1; max = 1; minPos[] = {0.0, 1.06}; maxPos[] = {0.0, 0.06}; }; class WeaponAim : Pos10Vector { source = "weapon"; }; class Target : Pos10Vector { source = "target"; }; class VelocityNotCenter : Pos10Vector { type = "vector"; source = "velocity"; pos0[] = {0.0, 0.0}; pos10[] = {1.5, 1.2}; }; class SpdMove2 { source = "speed"; min = 0; max = 200; type = "linear"; minPos[] = {0.0, 0.0}; maxPos[] = {0.0, 1.0}; }; class ASLMove1 { type = "linear"; source = "altitudeASL"; min = 0; max = 500; minPos[] = {0.0, 0.1}; maxPos[] = {0.0, 0.8}; }; class Heading { type = "linear"; source = "Heading"; min = -36; max = 36; minPos[] = {0.0, 0.0}; maxPos[] = {1.0, 0.0}; }; }; class Draw { alpha = 0.6; color[] = {0.0, 0.3, 0.05}; condition = "on"; class Static { clipTL[] = {0.0, 0.1}; clipBR[] = {1.0, 0.0}; type = "line"; points[] = {{"PlaneW", {-0.21, 7.34351e-009}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {-0.28, 9.79135e-009}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {0.21, -2.00338e-009}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.28, -2.67117e-009}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {-0.105, 0.145492}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {-0.14, 0.19399}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {0.105, 0.145492}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.14, 0.19399}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {-0.181865, 0.084}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {-0.242487, 0.112}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {0.181865, 0.084}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.242487, 0.112}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {-0.202844, 0.0434816}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {-0.270459, 0.0579755}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {0.202844, 0.0434816}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.270459, 0.0579755}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {-0.209201, 0.0146422}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {-0.244068, 0.0170825}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {-0.20681, 0.0291729}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {-0.241278, 0.034035}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {0.20681, 0.0291729}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.241278, 0.034035}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {0.209201, 0.0146422}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.244068, 0.0170825}, 1}, {}}; }; class HorizonBank { clipTL[] = {0.0, 0.1}; clipBR[] = {1.0, 0.9}; type = "line"; points[] = {{"PlaneW", 1, "HorizonBankReverted", {0.21, 0.0}, 1}, {"PlaneW", 1, "HorizonBankReverted", {0.07, 0.0}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", 1, "HorizonBankReverted", {-0.21, 0.0}, 1}, {"PlaneW", 1, "HorizonBankReverted", {-0.07, 0.0}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", 1, "HorizonBankReverted", {0.0, 0.14}, 1}, {"PlaneW", 1, "HorizonBankReverted", {0.0, 0.07}, 1}}; }; class HorizonDive { clipTL[] = {0.0, 0.1}; clipBR[] = {1.0, 0.0}; type = "line"; points[] = {{"HorizonDive", {0.8, 0}, 1}, {"HorizonDive", {0.2, 0}, 1}}; }; class Missile { condition = "missile"; class Target { type = "line"; points[] = {{"Target", {0, -0.08}, 1}, {"Target", {0.05, -0.0696}, 1}, {"Target", {0.087, -0.50*0.10/(1.5/1.2)}, 1}, {"Target", {0.1, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {0.087, 0.04}, 1}, {"Target", {0.05, +0.87*0.10/(1.5/1.2)}, 1}, {"Target", {0, 0.08}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.05, 0.0696}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.087, +0.50*0.10/(1.5/1.2)}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.1, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.087, -0.04}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.05, -0.87*0.10/(1.5/1.2)}, 1}, {"Target", {0, -0.08}, 1}}; }; }; class Cros { condition = "on"; class Cros { type = "line"; points[] = {{"WeaponAim", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.015, 0}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.04}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.012}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.015, 0}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.04}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.012}, 1}}; }; }; class SpeedNumber { type = "text"; align = "right"; scale = 1; source = "speed"; sourceScale = 3.6; pos[] = {{0.06, 0.07}, 1}; right[] = {{0.14, 0.07}, 1}; down[] = {{0.06, 0.12}, 1}; }; class AltNumber : SpeedNumber { source = "altitudeASL"; sourceScale = 1; pos[] = {{0.86, 0.07}, 1}; right[] = {{0.94, 0.07}, 1}; down[] = {{0.86, 0.12}, 1}; }; class HeadingNumber : SpeedNumber { source = "HorizonDive"; align = "right"; sourceScale = 57.2958; pos[] = {"HorizonDive", {0.81, -0.05}, 1}; right[] = {"HorizonDive", {0.89, -0.05}, 1}; down[] = {"HorizonDive", {0.81, 0.0}, 1}; }; class MGun { condition = "mgun"; class Lines { type = "line"; points[] = {{"VelocityNotCenter", 0.001, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {0.2, 0.0}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.1, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {0.18, -0.01}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.2, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {0.16, -0.03}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.3, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {0.14, -0.06}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.4, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {0.12, -0.1}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.5, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {0.1, -0.15}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.6, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {0.08, -0.21}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.7, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {0.06, -0.28}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.8, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {0.04, -0.4}, 1}, {}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.001, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {-0.2, 0.0}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.1, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {-0.18, -0.01}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.2, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {-0.16, -0.03}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.3, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {-0.14, -0.06}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.4, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {-0.12, -0.1}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.5, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {-0.1, -0.15}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.6, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {-0.08, -0.21}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.7, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {-0.06, -0.28}, 1}, {"VelocityNotCenter", 0.8, "WeaponAim", 1, "HorizonBankMGun", {-0.04, -0.4}, 1}}; }; }; class weapons { type = "text"; source = "weapon"; align = "right"; scale = 1; sourceScale = 1; pos[] = {{0.06, 0.88}, 1}; right[] = {{0.12, 0.88}, 1}; down[] = {{0.06, 0.92}, 1}; }; class ammo { type = "text"; source = "ammo"; align = "right"; scale = 1; sourceScale = 1; pos[] = {{0.06, 0.93}, 1}; right[] = {{0.12, 0.93}, 1}; down[] = {{0.06, 0.97}, 1}; }; class ILS { condition = "ils"; class Glideslope { clipTL[] = {0.0, 0.0}; clipBR[] = {1.0, 1.0}; class ILS { type = "line"; points[] = {{ILS_W, {-0.4, 0}, 1}, {ILS_W, {0.4, 0}, 1}, {}, {ILS_W, {0, 0.04}, 1}, {ILS_W, {0, -0.04}, 1}, {}, {ILS_W, {0.2, 0.04}, 1}, {ILS_W, {0.2, -0.04}, 1}, {}, {ILS_W, {0.4, 0.04}, 1}, {ILS_W, {0.4, -0.04}, 1}, {}, {ILS_W, {-0.2, 0.04}, 1}, {ILS_W, {-0.2, -0.04}, 1}, {}, {ILS_W, {-0.4, 0.04}, 1}, {ILS_W, {-0.4, -0.04}, 1}, {}, {ILS_H, {0, -0.4}, 1}, {ILS_H, {0, 0.4}, 1}, {}, {ILS_H, {0.04, 0}, 1}, {ILS_H, {-0.04, 0}, 1}, {}, {ILS_H, {0.04, 0.2}, 1}, {ILS_H, {-0.04, 0.2}, 1}, {}, {ILS_H, {0.04, 0.4}, 1}, {ILS_H, {-0.04, 0.4}, 1}, {}, {ILS_H, {0.04, -0.2}, 1}, {ILS_H, {-0.04, -0.2}, 1}, {}, {ILS_H, {0.04, -0.4}, 1}, {ILS_H, {-0.04, -0.4}, 1}, {}}; }; }; }; }; }; }; HeadAimDown = 4; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted April 19, 2014 weapons = "{}"; => weapons[] = {}; and upload the bin.log please Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
John Spartan 89 Posted April 19, 2014 Marker, take a look at these files especially of the sample source model - its all there just copy paste with your adjustments. Hope this will help. John Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marker 1 Posted April 19, 2014 Much obliged guys... Figured some stuff out, mainly the paths for the textures wouldn't take unless I was in P: drive and also I didn't realise the rvmats also held their path in text format. A lot to learn, but as I am doing this mainly for enjoyment there is no rush! Can't believe I actually said enjoyment :) Also please excuse any wrong terminology I use, first time ever messing around with models! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marker 1 Posted April 19, 2014 Getting there guys :) All the textures are in, just got to work on the LODS etc now! (588 kB) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites