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Whitelisting Zeus Slot

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I understand #adminlogged etc, has anyone successfully white listed a Zeus slot yet?

Allowing only clan members/ trustees to use the slot



Whitelisting has been achieved with a playable unit placed, an empty vehicle with name checking and ejection,

and a trigger to assign the GM when unit is present in vehicle.


_vehicle = _this select 0;

_vehicle addEventHandler ["GetIn",


private ["_veh", "_pos", "_unit", "_namesArray"];

_veh = _this select 0;

_pos = _this select 1;

_unit = _this select 2;

_namesArray = ["name1","name2"];

if !(name _unit in _namesArray) then


_unit action ["Eject", vehicle _unit];




Repeated + Anybody (axis 0x0)

condition: unitname in vehiclename

act: assigncurator nameofgamemasterplacement

deact: unassign nameofgamemasterplacement

Edited by tmortensen

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Change that of which is bold to the correct unit names/labels.

Any issues pm or TS me (banner links to site with TS details)

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not working , can u put in a sample mission , so i can just download and put in my mission thanks ...claws




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[] spawn {

if(isServer)exitWith{}; // Prevents server from running the code

_UID = getPlayerUID player;

_reservedUIDs = [






]; //Admin UIDS

_player = getAssignedCuratorUnit NAMEOFCURATORMODULE/ZEUS;

if !(getPlayerUID _player in _reservedUIDs) then {

for "_i" from 0 to 20 do {

hint format["This slot is for Members only - leave it within %1 before your input gets frozen.",(21 -_i)];

sleep 1;


disableUserInput true;



Replace capitalised words with specifics

call from your init.

It works like this:

IF Server close script (i.e. doesnt loop and lag server)

ELSE Get playerID

ARRAY playerID's (you put these in)

_player= Whoever is assigned as the mission curator (i.e. Zeus or #adminLogged)

IF Curator player UID doesnt match ARRAY

THEN hint message

AFTER 20secs of warning

LOCK user input.


Hopefully this makes it more understandable, it is a harsh way of locking the slot to disable the client to then only allow ALT+F4, but you can change the time in which the meesage shows.

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Thank you very much for your reply , i have been working on that all night last night even wrote my own code , but still ending up with the same problem

The code work but lock all the player not only Zeus .

[] spawn {

if(isServer)exitWith{}; // Prevents server from running the code

_UID = getPlayerUID player;

_reservedUIDs = [






]; //Admin UIDS

_player = getAssignedCuratorUnit bis_curator;

if !(getPlayerUID _player in _reservedUIDs) then {

for "_i" from 0 to 20 do {

hint format["This slot is for Members only - leave it within %1 before your input gets frozen.",(21 -_i)];

sleep 1;


disableUserInput true;



i understand the if else statement even try to use for loop but still lock all the player not only Zeus

by the way the mission i a trying to incorporate is aw invade

and thank you very much for your time ..

---------- Post added at 05:10 ---------- Previous post was at 05:08 ----------

and this what i am currently using <work good , but have always to signing as admin first >

private ["_isAdmin","_admin"];

_isAdmin = false;

sleep 1;

if (isServer) exitWith {};


if (str(player) == _x) exitWith {

_isAdmin = true;


} forEach INS_REV_CFG_reserved_slot_units;

if (!_isAdmin) exitWith {};

if (serverCommandAvailable "#shutdown") exitWith {

hint format ["Welcome %1!\nYou logged in as admin", name player];

titleText [format["Welcome %1! You logged in as admin", name player],"PLAIN"];


for "_i" from 1 to 6 do {

hint "Attention!\nThis is a reserved admin slot.\nIf you are an admin on this server log in in the next 30 seconds otherwise you'll get kicked automatically!";

titleText ["Attention! This is a reserved admin slot.\n\nIf you are an admin on this server log in in the next 30 seconds otherwise you'll get kicked automatically!\n\n\n\n(After youre logged in, wait few Seconds)","BLACK FADED"];

sleep 5;


if (serverCommandAvailable "#shutdown") exitWith {

hint format ["Welcome %1!\nYou logged in as admin, no kick", name player];

titleText [format["Welcome %1! You logged in as admin, no kick", name player],"PLAIN"];


hint "Attention!\nYou have 5 seconds to log in or you get kicked automatically!";

titleText ["Attention! You have 5 seconds to log in or you get kicked automatically!","BLACK FADED"];

sleep 5;

if (serverCommandAvailable "#shutdown") exitWith {

hint format ["Welcome %1!\nYou logged in as admin, no kick", name player];

titleText [format["Welcome %1! You logged in as admin, no kick", name player],"PLAIN"];


hint "You will be kicked now... !!!";

titleText ["You will be kicked now... !!!","BLACK FADED"];

sleep 1;

endMission "LOSER";

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Is this working? And if so how do I add that to a mission? I have AOW on my dedicated server I like to run sometimes and don't want randoms joining the Zeus slots.

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