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emptydetector with ANY activation acts funny?

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Hi - so I couldn't get the following example to work as expected:

_trigger=createtrigger["emptydetector", _position]; //assume that _position is already set for the purposes of this example
_trigger setTriggerArea[500,500,0,true]; //1km^2
_trigger setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", false];
_trigger setTriggerStatements[this,"",""];

numRed = { side _x == east; } count list _trigger;
numGreen= {side _x == resistance;} count list _trigger;
numBlue = {side _x == west;} count list _trigger;

does not work at all.

_trigger=createtrigger["emptydetector", _position]; //assume that _position is already set for the purposes of this example
_trigger setTriggerArea[500,500,0,true]; //1km^2
_trigger setTriggerActivation ["EAST", "PRESENT", false];
_trigger setTriggerStatements[this,"",""];

numRed = { side _x == east; } count list _trigger;

works fine, but I have to make 3 triggers. Covering the whole of altis in 1km blocks, that is the difference between x and x*3 where x is close to 700.

I'm hoping there is a way to leverage activation ANY - or perhaps of an easier way to get an array of units within a certain area without using a trigger?

edit: also yes, I know the {side _x == east; } argument to count in the second example is redundant - I included it to illustrate that side _x == east is a valid filter

Edited by k0rd

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There are two issues and one that may be causing the problem.

_trigger setTriggerStatements[this,"",""]; should be _trigger setTriggerStatements["this","",""];

although it's not needed in this script.

second issue.

Your creating the trigger but triggers only check every half a second but this list is checked instantly so it never gets chance to store the units.

just place a sleep1; before the

sleep 1;// allow trigger to check for units.
numRed = { side _x == east} count list _trigger;
numGreen= {side _x == resistance} count list _trigger;
numBlue = {side _x == west} count list _trigger;

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There are two issues and one that may be causing the problem.

_trigger setTriggerStatements[this,"",""]; should be _trigger setTriggerStatements["this","",""];

although it's not needed in this script.

second issue.

Your creating the trigger but triggers only check every half a second but this list is checked instantly so it never gets chance to store the units.

just place a sleep1; before the

sleep 1;// allow trigger to check for units.
numRed = { side _x == east} count list _trigger;
numGreen= {side _x == resistance} count list _trigger;
numBlue = {side _x == west} count list _trigger;

thanks, yes this is true - i typed this example up on my phone. the true script does not get the counts instantly (every 5 seconds in a loop - it uses the results to update markers) and has the correct "this" in the statement.. still doesn't work in the first example but does in the second.

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This is working fine for me, tested in A2/OA

_position = getpos _this;

_trigger=createtrigger["emptydetector", _position];
 _trigger setTriggerArea[500,500,0,true];
    _trigger setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", false];
      _trigger setTriggerStatements["this","",""];

        sleep 1;

          numRed = { side _x == east } count list _trigger;
            numGreen= {side _x == resistance} count list _trigger;
              numBlue = {side _x == west} count list _trigger;
                hint format ["%1  %2  %3",numRed,numGreen,numBlue];

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This is working fine for me, tested in A2/OA

_position = getpos _this;

_trigger=createtrigger["emptydetector", _position];
 _trigger setTriggerArea[500,500,0,true];
    _trigger setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", false];
      _trigger setTriggerStatements["this","",""];

        sleep 1;

          numRed = { side _x == east } count list _trigger;
            numGreen= {side _x == resistance} count list _trigger;
              numBlue = {side _x == west} count list _trigger;
                hint format ["%1  %2  %3",numRed,numGreen,numBlue];

can you try in A3? :)

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Just tested it and it's working as is no changes.

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Just tested it and it's working as is no changes.

must be something i'm doing - strange that just changing "EAST" to "ANY" breaks mine :/

edit: thanks for your patience, i was using call compile format[" etc and had the wrong amount of quotes around this :)

Edited by k0rd

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I can't explain that, try it on a fresh map and test again. I had a map last night where sidechat wouldn't work.

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thanks for your help - everything is working right now.

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