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Friendly AI Shooting Me? MP

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As the title suggests, on a multiplayer server, running ALiVe and a static weapons pack, all of the sudden when I or another squadmate spawn in, our friendly bot players will shoot at us using the 50cal. This problem didn't exist yesterday and nothing has been updated since it last worked. Does anybody know what could be causing this problem?

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You can diagnose (at least some of) the problem by running a script on the players machines to check their side/rating etc.

Put this in the init.sqf (at the end) then check your (massive) rpt when you respawn and you can see if you have been made a renegade or so on.

if (not isServer) then
while {true} do
    _rating = rating player;
    _side = side player;

    diag_log "-------------------------------";
    diag_log format ["TIME: %1", time];
    diag_log format ["PLAYER RATING: %1", _rating];
    diag_log format ["PLAYER SIDE: %1", _side];

    sleep 10;

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Talked to the mission director, sure enough.. Massis' Marines.

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I'm guessing the configs for that addon are incorrect and putting you on the wrong side? You could confirm by changing them to default NATO or something.

Also check your alive modules make sure in your OPCOM module you don't have the wrong faction in the wrong field or something along those lines.

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