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how check player score or check if player has killed a certain side

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i something that checks if a player has killed a opfor unit but i cant use the unitname or group name as i am unsing ALiVE to spawn in units. so i check this thread out http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?140402-Check-if-unit-was-killed-by-certain-unit but i still could get it to work. so i though why not check the player score should work in theory, so i made this:


_unitscore = score sas1;
if (_unitscore > 0) then {
hint "this stuff works good  :)";

where sas1 is the unit name for score check

but still this nooooo work.


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ohhhh yes i made it work only way i figured is make a trigger dont touch anything on it and put this in.


unitscore = score sas1; (unitscore > 0);

On Activation

hint "happy face";

i just dont know if using triggers in this way is bad for a dedicated server

Edited by Androkiller
forgot stuff

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i something that checks if a player has killed a opfor unit but i cant use the unitname or group name as i am unsing ALiVE to spawn in units. so i check this thread out http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?140402-Check-if-unit-was-killed-by-certain-unit but i still could get it to work. so i though why not check the player score should work in theory, so i made this:


_unitscore = score sas1;
if (_unitscore > 0) then {
hint "this stuff works good  :)";

where sas1 is the unit name for score check

but still this nooooo work.


here you go mang -change this to fit your situation

while { true } do {
_cur=score _x;
_last= _x getVariable["score_last",0];
if (_cur <> _last) then {
// add whatever you want to do to unit _x - his score has changed.
// the below is an example if you want to flag the unit for later processing
_x setVariable["score_changed",1];
_x setVariable["score_last",_cur];
} forEach allUnits;
sleep _interval;

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very nice

however can i change "_x" to the unit name, becuase doesnt this to check on all units, or do i add some kind of unit array at the point " forEach allUnits;" so maybe like this "forEach [unit1,unit2,.....];"

and then thirdly i would need this to run a score check for multiple units, then check the sum all scores against a fixed score.

so i devised this using a trigger.


sas3score = score sas3; sas4score = score sas4; sas2score = score sas2; sas1score = score sas1; ((sas1score+sas2score+sas3score+sas4score) < -1);

sas# are the unit names


hint "whatever i want really";

Only problem with this is that all players must be present otherwise no worky.

so how would i use your code in my new current situation.

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try this bud, yeah you can use any array -

while { true } do {
if (isPlayer _x) then {
_cur=score _x;
_last= _x getVariable["score_last",0];
//if (_cur <> _last) then {
// add whatever you want to do to unit _x - his score has changed.
// the below is an example if you want to flag the unit for later processing
//_x setVariable["score_changed",1];
_x setVariable["score_last",_cur];
_sum= _sum + _cur;
} forEach playableUnits; //or any array
if (_sum < -1) then {
// do whatever you want
sleep _interval;

edit: also added a check to make sure _x is currently a player

Edited by k0rd
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