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Curious how to get rid of res cutscene

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nebody know the file i need to delete?

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Just press spacebar when one comes on after a mission.

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no thats not what i meant.

i meant after you complete a mission on nogova and YOU RETURN TO THE MAIN MENU....a cutscene is played in the bacrkound....how would i get rid of that

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oooo. That's never cause me any troubles. How can you be sure that thats it?

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Yep actually I think that's what slows the menu down, I would also like to stop the background missions from showing.

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You mean it slows down the speed of the mouse? Or slows the loading all together.

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Well it slows down both... as it's loading into memory it slows down menu loading a tiny bit and it slows down the mouse while it's playing.

I don't find anything unusual or wrong with it, but I would like a way to run nothing in the background, or maybe just a bitmap.

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1 If it's always playing, you have nothing to compare it against. Thus, you have no idea wether or not it acutally slows down loading.

2 If it lags the mouse when the cutscene is going, then OFP must be laggy as well. Right?

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It's amazing, even if you put observations in points they are not always right. tounge.giftounge.gif

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">1 If it's always playing, you have nothing to compare it against. Thus, you have no idea wether or not it acutally slows down loading.<span id='postcolor'>

I do, because when the desert island is playing it's faster, and that is every time you start the game. smile.gif

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">2 If it lags the mouse when the cutscene is going, then OFP must be laggy as well. Right?<span id='postcolor'>

Well it lags the mouse for me but it's not actually bad (for other people it is very bad), and my OFP is hardly lagging when I'm playing. Ofcourse there is a direct correlation between how much your mouse slows down in the menu and how your OFP runs in general.

Anyway though, this is not about arguing and convincing, we are looking for a way to disable those background missions (passively).

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Sometimes when my mouse lags bad, even when the desert island one is playing.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote

2 If it lags the mouse when the cutscene is going, then OFP must be laggy as well. Right?

Well it lags the mouse for me but it's not actually bad (for other people it is very bad), and my OFP is hardly lagging when I'm playing. Ofcourse there is a direct correlation between how much your mouse slows down in the menu and how your OFP runs in general.<span id='postcolor'>

What I mean is, if you lag when watching a cutscene thats playing, it must be really bad when theres a lot of stuff happening.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's amazing, even if you put observations in points they are not always right. <span id='postcolor'>

I do that so they can be answered and found right or wrong. That way I know wether or not to use them again.

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Im not sure if its the cutscene or what but I'd estimate from the time a mission is over til I have ofp completly closed it takes about 2 minutes but my mouse doesnt lag at all. It doesnt do this on any other islands. I just use ctrl alt del now.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ Aug. 05 2002,22:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Sometimes when my mouse lags bad, even when the desert island one is playing.

What I mean is, if you lag when watching a cutscene thats playing, it must be really bad when theres a lot of stuff happening.<span id='postcolor'>

Hmm, for me it's never much slower on the desert island, but I only see a difference from map to map, not camera to camera, mind you I have a benchmark near 4200 on the system I am talking about.

I suspect if you have some troubles on the desert, it is that your system is either a bit slow or not configred well (bios etc).

I'm actually trying to get rid of the cutscenes, and you are trying to find some roblem why they might slow ppl down. smile.gif

I guess 1 topic is good for that.

PS: I find that many ppl put thinks in points to make them right and unfallable. tounge.gif Especially professors, they can prove anything by making points. wink.gif

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I had what I think is the same problem. As far as I can tell, this is not addressed in the 'Tuning' thread, at least not very clearly. And I figured out how to fix it, at least on my machine. Set the terrain details to Normal. I had it on High, and it would take 2 or 3 minutes to load a level (did NOT lag in the actual game) and sometimes 5 minutes to exit the damn game! Bumped it down to Normal, and it loads just like original Flashpoint.



Dr. Charm

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Problem solved I believe.

Go into OFP/DTA/ and rename anims.pbo to anims.bak

Also go into OFP/RES/DTA and rename anims.pbo there to anims.bak.

I have also found a way to change the splash screens so that you don't have to wait. (in case u don't want to use the /nosplash or whatever)


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Well it leaves what ever mission you had on before running in the background. (good for me)

I will make a new anims.pbo that will fix that.

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open the Anims.pbo delete the file Intro.noe then make it pbo again and the problem is solved biggrin.gif

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The mouse lag sounds like the Nvidia refresh rate bug....try download the refresh rate fix and try again

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resistance cutscenes? all my cutscenes are the same as they were in flashpoint. wtf.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (torrance @ Aug. 08 2002,07:32)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">resistance cutscenes? all my cutscenes are the same as they were in flashpoint. wtf.<span id='postcolor'>

Not after you play on Nogova, there is a different one there.

ANYWAYS VIXER! I'm going to create cutscenes for all maps that do not load your CPU or memory so much... comments like just open and delete, then compress are really derigatory, I already said I would fix it so why tell me how to do it?

Especially after I already found the pbo's on my own, when this thread was up for days and nobody mentioned anims.pbo!

In hindsight don't forget to tell Einsteins brain that E=mC^2, and that's how you make a nuclear reaction. tounge.gif J/K

Well, I'v gotten little sleep in 2 days so I'm going to get a little ticked off. tounge.gif

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Geez Harnu, are you a defense lawyer for BIS or what? tounge.gif

Yes, this problem is real...these people aren't imagining it and it happens to me too, especially when I made the error of trying out "high terrain detail"...

Many thanks to BN880 for the fix. smile.gif

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maybe its fun for mods to create a cutscene about their mod just some tanks that shoot or some helicopters their made

like wallpapers for your computer about a mod they also could make a cutscene for the mainmenu biggrin.gif would be fun

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Hmm, nice idea Vixer. Ship the anims.pbo with the addon. confused.gif

Wonder if ppl are willing to dl the extra couple of KB.

EDIT: Quote was redundant.

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well marnu, no offense your not helping........it's in the res data anims folders,

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