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Feedback tracker filled with feature requests?

What do you think BI should do with feature requests on the feedback tracker?  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think BI should do with feature requests on the feedback tracker?

    • Keep them on the tracker
    • Move them to a separate section of the tracker
    • Remove them from the tracker alltogether

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So I decided to bring this up today, mainly because I see so many people whining about how "BI ignores the feedback tracker" and then point out how most of the top "issues" haven't been "fixed" for a long time.

I noticed this a long while back (Like the Alpha days), if you go on the feedback tracker, almost all of the most upvoted "issues" are simply feature requests.

From what I have gathered, the feedback tracker is meant to get the communities opinion on what is wrong or broken with the game. Which is why I don't understand why BI allows posts like "Some sort of melee", "[Feature Request] Fast Roping" and "Realistic Wounding System" to exist here.

Now i'm not saying that these feature requests aren't important and shouldn't be taken into consideration (I want bipods/weaponresting as much as anyone else), but I think they should be moved somewhere else. I think the feedback tracker should be for finding issues with the game and fixing them, not a place for people to say what they want to see in the game. I would at least like to see the feature requests moved to their own separate section of the tracker, that way people don't have to sift through them to find the issues that need fixing. Hopefully this will help BI get to those small issues that can be easily fixed that have been up for a long time.

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Are you surprised that people actually want to enhance their experience?

"Features" are what add immersion.

There's no point having a wonderful world with limited character abilities.

Knifing in the throat and strangulation are used in close combat, features like this are sorely needed.

Features like fast roping from choppers, shooting from cars, packing magazines, using infrared goggles, wearing masks with proper animations (putting it on, taking it off) and proper breathing fx and visuals to match.

Basics like weapon resting bi pods, gun jams, flash bangs, correct explosive placement all add to the sense of abilities the player has, the more the player can do with his player the more options the player has.

I would pay for features if they were implemented really well. Some may disagree.

I would like correct pistol holstering too.

The reason they are so popular is because the players know they are close to greatness. Come on Bis!!

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Are you surprised that people actually want to enhance their experience?

"Features" are what add immersion...

...The reason they are so popular is because the players know they are close to greatness. Come on Bis!!

I think you misunderstood me, or didn't read the entire post

Now i'm not saying that these feature requests aren't important and shouldn't be taken into consideration (I want bipods/weaponresting as much as anyone else), but I think they should be moved somewhere else.

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...too many treat it as a forum where any random thought they have should be given attention by the devs.

That's pretty much why I gave up on it.

My take on feature requests are as suggested additions/changes to existing content to enhance that content's usability, not just any addition someone can think of. Let me be clear; this is just the way I approach it. Others may not feel the same and since there doesn't seem to be clear instruction or definitions then any interpretation can be right. It's just that a focus on the technical and usability problems would have been nice from my perspective. I mean, I loaded it up last night for the first time in a long while - coincidentally to test something in response to an automated email from the tracker - and I found that I'm still fighting the controls that I figured would have been a #1 issue to be fixed long ago (although the tracker item I was playing in response to did appear to be fixed).

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