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Delay between trigger pull and weapon firing

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I have a rifle based on the \Samples_F\Test_Weapon_01. When it fires a gas emits from the bolt and the main muzzleflash erupts as the bullet leaves the rifle. I want all this, but I need to introduce a delay.

I want to:

pull trigger

gas/small flash emits from bolt area

1 second delay, THEN

weapon fires projectile with flash.

It does all this now, just simultaneously. How do I introduce that delay between the trigger pull and the bullet firing?

Is there a simpler and more efficient method than the one described five years ago in http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?70978-Weapon-Shot-Delay ?

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I wonder if this would work if I used a submunition ammo, with the first stage being a very slow projectile traveling from the breech to the muzzle in .75 seconds, then the submunition activating and moving at the "real" speed.

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I think the method in that thread should be okay to use.

So in the fired EH you get the projectile (_this select 6) and delete it then spawn a new one (and some particle effects) from the barrel a second later.

You could also set the muzzle flash ("zasleh") to be in the bolt position so the 'muzzle flash' is actually the gas escaping. (If you get what I mean).

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I can't get an EH to work inside my rifle config; the one I use in my cannon works fine (as it is a vehicle). Should I call it in the ammo config?

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