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Separate textures under night vision

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Couldn't find a relevant section for textures so I figure this section is as close as I'll find.

I'm wondering if it's at all possible to have two different sets of textures, one for use under visible light at day/night time and one set for use only under IR/night vision applied to an object.

For example a modern uniform such as Czech jehlicí camouflage which appears differently under nightvision (IR on the left)

http://i.imgur.com/7QvEofn.jpg (105 kB)

Pretty much every camouflage uniform now uses infrared dyes to maintain the effect of the camouflage under NV's


I'm wondering if this effect is possible in Arma to accurately portray uniforms that have (or do not) these dyes. (even though camouflages seem to mean very little in Arma).

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Although I can't really test it. It MAYYY be possible. Because tracer rounds have a code in them to only be shown at night. Something like nvonly = 1, maybe that could be applied somehow. But the problem is seeing it in day... To counter that you might be able to have 2 subclasses

Class your uniform

All the basic info

Class nvuniform : your uniform;

Texture you want to use;

Nvonly = 1;

Class daytimeuniform : your uniform;

Texture you want to use;

Nvonly = 0;

Butttt I'm no exactly sure how the nvonly code works. For all I know nvonly = 0 could mean both day and night. That's how I would try and do it though!

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not possible afaik because you cannot apply another texture for nvg. you can apply ir heat textures in the shader though. worth a try i guess

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