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BIS_fnc_kbTell how to?

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Hello mates, this is my first thread in the forum. i must say that im a noobie editor and my english is really bad, sorry for that :o

a few months ago, i find this HateDread tutorial http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?112012-Using-Dialogue-System-Between-Player-and-AI&p=1819976#post1819976 and the second part http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?112012-Using-Dialogue-System-Between-Player-and-AI&p=1822819#post1822819 . i did the same in arma 3 and it works really good, was so funny to make it work.

the problem came when i tried to play it in a dedicate server, nothing happen... looking for some info about that and looking into the BIS Showcases i find the BIS_fnc_kbTell and here come the mess.

I dont know how to use the BIS_fnc_kbTell, and cant find any real info about that. in the functions library u can find some info but, like i said im a noobie and still cant make it work.

Any one knows how to use BIS_fnc_kbTell to make the same that HateDread´s tutorial do? in that case could you explain how to make it? or share a mission where it is used?

if no one have any idea we should try together, it is something really usefull to make your mision more inmersive and real.

Thank you for reading this and my apologizes for my english.

P.s: im not interested in commands like say, say3d, playsounds.... just want to make the same that HateDread´s tutorial run in a dedicate server to all the players.

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this was a pm i sent to Kiku, and didn't post because its vague and barely confirmed...

i'm not too familiar with kbtell and its new bis_fnc_kbtell, so i didn't wanna just post junk to your thread, which is why i'm pm'ing you instead. I don't know that tutorial specifically, nor have i the moment to try and play with a direct translation, but this working example may help:


_nil = ["01_wave","A_in",["a_in_01_wave_ICO_0"],"",{},[player]] spawn BIS_fnc_kbTell;

you can run that from the debug window just to have a working example to experiment from.

take a look in CfgSentences and you'll see "A_in" -> "01_wave" to see how ^they^ are related. im not sure how your specific example would fit in. its likely the second variable, "A_in" should just be "" quotes to use the default mission name (assuming thats what a custom loaded sentence would be under, dont know for sure :/ )

it seems bis_fnc_kbtell's simple usage,

_nil [topic, container, ["sentence_name"]] spawn BIS_fnc_kbTell;

relies on specific speakers for each sentence defined in the bikb. otherwise you have to use the format above, specifying which player is speaking.

Also, digging around through the function, it looks as if it will handle multiplayer and different clients automatically, as long as all the arguments and player ids are correct. It uses bis_fnc_mp to call bis_fnc_kbTellLocal

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Looking at the various new kb functions last night, it would appear to me that CfgSentences has basically eliminated the need for kbAddTopic. The function also checks campaignConfig and missionConfig, so presumably you can make your own CfgSentences for a mission or campaign in description.ext. There is another function, BIS_fnc_kbMenu, that *appears* to be an easy way to give the player dialog options, but I haven't tested this.

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