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Helicopter doesn't attack ground units

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Damn, I never thought about trying the SAD waypoint on helos... Silly me.

Is it the vanilla AI on your vid?

That is vanilla AI. Their attempt at taking cover was to stand in the tall grass in perfect formation.

I tried with seek and destroy waypoint as well as using scripting commands and yeah it works with the blackfoot or the kajman because they have a mouvable canon but it doesn't work with other helicopters like the littlebird. But I know it worked before...

Also as I said before it works in an empty space like in your video but try to do the same with some houses around and you'll see it won't work even with a blackfoot. :/

I have had mixed results with a ghosthawk in Kavala. They seem to panic if any armour is around. I will have to see what happens with a littlebird. They are much more vulnerable and tend to get shot down even by infantry.

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setWaypointCombatMode "RED"followed by setWaypointType "SAD" and then setWaypointPosition is giving good results for me. Any thing else and choppers will not engage infanty. Even if chopper is hovering nearby and I am in open area shooting at it with small arms. It will only move to reposition itself, but not engage. If I am the waypoint position and they clearly see me because there is nothing else around me and I use reveal and or dotarget. they will not engage. Arma 2 has better results with this.

Edited by Jigsor

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I have now tried this with a Pawnee in the same location. The helicopter attacked, got shot down and Kamikazeed into the squad. I moved the S&D WP off to the side and the Pawnee attacked but wasn't very accurate. I moved everything into the middle of Kavala and the Pawnee still attacked with 1 successful kill.

EDIT: I added a Marid into Kavala, the Pawnee disabled it and then continued to attack the infantry, but couldn't hit a barn door. After a few passes it then left them and moved away. I don't know if this was because of a lack of ammo or damage, but it didn't make any more gun runs. I don't know if this has anything to do with how a S&D WP is completed.

Edited by alky_lee

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I tried the same and surprisingly it work with the Pawnee but it didn't make very much damage though... But it still doesn't work with the Hellcat, apparently, the INDEP are supposed to be much less trained than NATO...

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I found that the Pawnee would make two or three passes before engaging infantry in towns, but if a vehicle was introduced, it would attack on the first pass. Infantry tend to move around a lot and in and out of cover. If the pilot is basing his run on last known pisition, then it will be wrong when he makes his approach and doesn't seem able to adjust his fire at new targets. Hence why he fired at the reed beds when the infantry had stopped short of them and were stood out in the open.

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I have created some tests to see if helicopters will engage infantry in towns. Basically, the Pawnee, Hellcat & Orca will be slow to engage infantry, if at all. The Ghosthawk isn't much better. The Blackfoot is absolutely deadly, so perhaps the Kajman has been deliberately set not to engage infantry, although it is deadly against armour.

The tests are on youtube. BLUFOR choppers - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5xbMWCnmSs Independent Chopper - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ue_XRmQnYFs and OPFOR choppers - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Tt-DiNmxvU

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