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Dear BI, please watch and respond ... V2.0

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okay, seeing as my thread was promptly moved to the user video section, exactly where I don't want it, here is the second version with no video but a simple plea to search youtube for this FFS: Arma 3's Action Menu Must Die, and to vote the issue up here:http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=10726 if you agree.

Admins, I would really like this post to remain prominently in the general discussion forum please. :)

Thank you

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I understand your concern and I feel the same way. However......There are already quite a few threads about changing the User Interface menu and this particular thread doesn't say anything that those other threads haven't already. :/

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There are already quite a few threads about changing the User Interface menu and this particular thread doesn't say anything that those other threads haven't already. :/

^^ This.

Also this:

§21) Use descriptive thread titles

If you start a new thread, please make sure your thread title explains what you want without forcing people to read through your post first.

Thread titles such as "How in the world do I...", "Need help!" or "Will we ever see..." are anything but descriptive. We do not allow these kind of titles and threads with such titles are subject to be closed.


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