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Please improve Land_dp_mainFactory_F (and maybe other buildings?)

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Land_dp_mainFactory_F is a pretty cool building. It has a lot of ladders and you can crawl all over the building..

The problem is, it only has 3 building positions and doesn't have an interior! There are also other buildings with problems: an office building where only half the doors are real, and a multistory hospital with only 1 real floor are other examples.

Is the barracks the only largish building that is fully accessible? Maybe the airport building too?

Is there some sort of technical aspect that prevents these buildings from being fully accessible or are they (as they appear) just incomplete? If there is not a limitation, are there plans to complete these objects in the future? It seems like it would be easier than the Ghost Hotel content was to create.

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this big buildings need full enter able a lot of performance more , buildings with full interior to ( ghost hotel stand not in or near a town ;) ) the other side is the engine can not handle objects bigger then 25m ! all objects over 25m are different segment models and not destroyable ;) makes problems with a good ruin model than ( or to hard to build a good ruin model )

that's why you do not see any big tall trees in the game

different buildings of the same type with different accessible floors would be perhaps a little solution

Edited by JgBtl292

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But again, performance didn't stop them from adding the ghost hotel. I don't even mind that some of the smaller, utility buildings are not enter-able.

The larger buildings certainly should be, and the buildings that are half-complete should be completed. All buildings should have good buildingpos too. The factory in the topic has all kinds of ladders and areas that the enemy can't even utilize properly just because the building only has 3 (pretty lousy) positions.

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