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Altis Life Lite - Mod help request

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Im starting up an Altis Life Lite mod, and have a number of things I will need help with. Im looking for what will be a Life mod based on Altis, that requires no additional mods to be added. The Main focus on this mod is to make it accessible to more players, and to provide more of a casual environment vs the random deathmatching of un moderated servers that just fire up the server and run away. So having a working vote kick system is needed, since most often an admin is not in game. Economy is going to be real world based, so expect a paycheck to be small, but item costs are going to be realistic. Pistol for $600 ammo for $40 payceck $150.

To keep it less deathmatch I would say civilians are only allowed to own handguns. There will not be a need for any OPFOR based units as I will be using them as a random element for events. No terrorists, however there will still be crime. Will need something to keep griefers happy. But to counter crime, punishments would be much more stiff. Large fines, jail time, and more. More jobs will be needed, as well as places for players to hang out, party, and just be goofy.

To keep cops from spamming stuns, the stun rounds will be priced according to real world. Average stun mag (single shot) is $30. And Since paychecks are limited and economy more realistic, a cop wasting stuns is throwing away a paycheck with 3 stuns. All stun weapons will be 1 shot, then reload, this means if the cop misses he may be screwed, but prevents an abusive cop from spam stunning.

I will be creating a full dev list of what will be needed and will edit this thread.

What I need is experienced people to join and help create the functions of this mod, Im not a complete tard and can do some of this on my own but having a good team who can bounce ideas is allways good.

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There already is a built in vote kick system in ArmA, you can enable it in your server config

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