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Team VS Team mission for 15 players (7 VS 7 + 1 VIP)

Assassination is a game mode very similar to the old AS mode for Counter-Strile. The main objective for BluFor is to safely escort the VIP to one of two extraction zones. OpFor must prevent them from doing so by assassinating them. The secondary objective, which also secures a victory for either team, is to eliminate all members of the opposing team. If the round time expires, OpFor win by default.

The VIP has very limited amounts of ammunition and is only able use his pistol. The VIP is unable to pickup and use other weapons although he can rearm from fallen friend and foe. The VIP should not expect to escape without the team's assistance. VIP will get an action for "Extract" in his scroll menu when close to one of the vehicles.

Has changeable time of day and time limit in server parameters. Default is 1800 hours and 10 minutes.

Currently there are 4 different areas to play in:









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Armaholic mirror:

- Assassination (7 vs 7+1 VIP)

Edited by Melbo

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Hey! Good mission idea... I just made one of these gametypes too but for IF/IFA2/IFA3. Did you get the idea from MOHSH like me or?


Dirty Haz

I've had this mission sitting on my hdd for quite some time if I'm honest. I wanted to get enough players to fully test it before I put it out to the world which took longer than expected. That and my annoying habit of having a new idea and spending a week trying to implement it only to revert it back to how it was!

I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out. Hopefully someone will have a good time playing it!

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