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Changing Vehicle Color via Script, possible?

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Hello all. I'm curios to know if it's possible to change a vehicles color/tint. I am adding the B_APC_Tracked_01_CRV_F to BLUFOR for anti mining capabilities but wanted to give OPFOR the same option, since they lack a vehicle such as this I was hoping to take BLUFORs vehicle and change the color.

Which brings me to my next questions, if I add B_APC_Tracked_01_CRV_F to an OPFOR team will it show as an enemy vehicle to OPFOR radar even if it was bought by opfor, and manned by opfor?


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Yes you can change the textures on the vehicle as long as hidden selections are enabled (most vehicles do) with the setObjectTexture command.


As for using vehicles of another faction, you'll have to test. I know using a enemy vehicle will still show red, but not sure what you see when the enemy uses your vehicle.

Edit: Na_Palm beat me to it. I'll leave what I wrote though.

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I know this is a really old thread, but it has bugged me as well that CSAT is lacking an armored support vehicle. After checking through the pbo I noticed that there is a "hidden" Opfor Skin for the Bobcat CRV .

Replaced it with

this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"\a3\armor_f_beta\APC_Tracked_01\Data\apc_tracked_01_crv_opfor_co.paa"];

- all is well.

Don't forget to manually change the inventory on the empty vehicle to default CSAT IFV inventory before sending it out for support! Too bad there is no INDEP version, but I guess that would be too OP FOR them! ;-)

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