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avibird 1

how can you limit the number of players using a teleport trigger!

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A trigger

with a radio alpha in it's activation box

with this code onMapSingleClick "player setPos _pos; onMapSingleClick """";"; in the trigger on act

the trigger condition set to this

will give the players the ability to teleport around the map using the Radio.

How do I limited only one person to use this trigger.

I name the playable unit ADMIN and put the name in the condition box and took away this.

All players can still use the trigger. Why and how can I set it up that only one player can use it.

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Did u try change player to admin?

on act

onMapSingleClick "ADMIN setPos _pos; onMapSingleClick """";";

just admin can teleport.

Also its better if use addaction intense radio trigger.

Edited by Persian MO

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@ Persian no I am playing on a host server but thank you for the code for that.

I found the issues just place this code in the units INIT BOX or the mission INIT.SQF

_null = [] spawn {waitUntil {!isNull player}; if (player == NAME OF THE UNIT) then {onMapSingleClick { player setPosATL _pos }; }; };

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