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preloadCamera - How to use?

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Anyone know how to use correctly this command?


Because it just doesn't preloading the objects. I change camera like that:

_ca = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0];

_ca cameraeffect ["internal", "back"];

_ca camSetTarget cam26;

_ca camSetrelPos [0,1,2];

_ca camSetFOV 1.000;

_ca camCommit 0;

sleep 5;

_ca camSetTarget cam28;

_ca camSetrelPos [0,1,2];

_ca camSetFOV 1.000;

_ca camCommit 0;

_ca camSetTarget cam29;

_ca camSetFOV 1.000;

_ca camCommit 10;

Edited by JTS_2009

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You may need to place a preload module on the map

Funny, but it doesn't work while camera is on. Without camera it works. Any ideas?

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I dont see camPreload anywhere in your script. How are you using it? I use it at the begining of a sequence to help cache nearby objects into memory before the scene starts like this:

_camera camPreload 5;
_camera = "camera" camCreate [0,0,800];
_camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"];
titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 7];
sleep 2.0;

_camera camPrepareTarget [66938.94,74403.63,-123.55];
_camera camPreparePos [0,0,900];
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.659;
_camera camCommitPrepared 4;
waitUntil {camCommitted _camera;};	

_camera camPrepareTarget [78228.30,86966.30,46.39];
_camera camPreparePos [11315.43,12651.84,49.57];
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.659;
_camera camCommitPrepared 12;
waitUntil {camCommitted _camera;};

sleep 2.0;

player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"];
titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 7];
camDestroy _camera;

It helps make a more consistent, repeatable and less jerky scene.

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