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ZSU-39 - Kill headlights

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I was wondering if anyone knew the hitpoint I would need to kill the headlights on the ZSU?

I have looked through the config viewer, and there isn't a hitpoint listed, but you can shoot them out.



Edited by Cloughy

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For vehicles it's normally light_l and light_r

Can't speak for armor though try putting in the ZSU init:

this addEventHandler ["dammaged", "hint format['%1',_this select 1]"]

then shoot the lights.

any part you damage will hint.


Though if you got AI in there just changing their behaviour is probably easier.

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For vehicles it's normally light_l and light_r

Can't speak for armor though try putting in the ZSU init:

this addEventHandler ["dammaged", "hint format['%1',_this select 1]"]

then shoot the lights.

any part you damage will hint.


Though if you got AI in there just changing their behaviour is probably easier.

No, it didn't work. I thing the 'dammaged' event handler is an old one. I did have a hint system that used the hitpart, but didn't get a value when shooting the headlights.

Also I only have gunner in and the units are on danger.



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Try this (used to work in Arma 2):

_zsu setHit ["light_l", 1];

Doesn't work on these dam things.

I only have a gunner in the ZSU, so even setting the unit to danger doesn't work.

Bis: Why hasn't the ZSU got a hit point on the light?



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Has anyone had any luck with this. I was hoping the latest patch had added the correct hitpoints, but it hasn't.



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