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server does not work with mods... Plz Help.

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My server will not appear on arma 3 server list. The server version: 1.10.114486, my game version: 1.10.114700. Not sure if this is why. I have recently updated the server to Stable branch 1/21 and am running with mods. That is the problem. W/ mods activated the server will not appear on the server list. Running with NO MODs, and boom! I see my server and everything is looking good / running smoothly. What am I doing wrong? I've posted a support ticket with HFB servers, but my average response time is 3 days, that is unacceptable, could you help me?

Log files:

w/o mods


w/ mods


Command line w/ mods:


Command line w/o mods:

-port=2702 -name=arma3config_19056 -config=arma3config_19056\config.cfg -cfg=arma3config_19056\basic.cfg -profiles=arma3config_19056 -cpucount=2 -exthreads=2

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I'll check it out and see what happens. thank you for your response..


This seems to be for hosting off of your PC. I am using a dedicated server with HFB servers. I use a console to change server related files. I'm not sure how to get this to work with HFB servers.

Thanks for your help though.

Edited by Blackbeard06

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its one of the following

-mod=@A2Helos;@ASDG_Attachments;@ASDG_JR;@CBA_A3;@F SF_SacVentral;@HMV;@HiddenIdentityPackv3;@JS_JC_FA 18;@JumpMF;@Nimitz;@Peral_A-10C;@R3F;@RAV_Lifter_A3;@RH_M4;@RH_MK18;@RH_Pistol ;@SGW_CSAR;@TFA;@VTS_Weaponresting;@XEventSystem;@ XMedSys;@alive;@bullethits;@fhq_accessories;@marso f;@mcc_sandbox;@t1_silencer_fix;@task_force_radio; @tmr

You even answered your own question

add one addon at a time until you see which one is causing the issue

Do you really have players ready to connect to that server ?

Big clue..................

ErrorMessage: Include file userconfig\task_force_radio\radio_keys.hpp not found.

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Found the problem.... Hint, pay attention to your logs!!

ErrorMessage: Include file userconfig\task_force_radio\radio_keys.hpp not found.

to fix it I added the userconfig from task force radio..

if i did that i would have saved 2 hours.... damn. Thanks for your help guys.

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