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A suggestion for the "Old" weapons.

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Well I was watching a youtube video of a mission a guy created in which he used a mod of an M4A1 assault rifle and it got me thinking... Why BIS just doesnt make cheap DLC that will add these old weapons to the base game...

I mean people really want these weapons and that will be a way for BIS to make money off of it.

Like for example








-RPG 7


These of course are just the base I would assume there would be variants and dont even have to be all the variants they can be included in other DLCs

Another example






-M1 Abrams



And the same as the weapon pack it would have variants.

Of course there shouldnt be too much packs as to not make servers require so many different stuff that you might not have. Even if it means putting more stuff into the one pack and bump up the price.

These packs can be about anything really even military uniforms and it will solve peoples cry out for the older stuff as these future ones kinda all act alike.

But they have to stay cheap compared to the main game because its just weapons they can add by mods and they might not be the same quallity but they will not make them pay a butload of cash.

EDIT: These can also be used to bring in the Arma 2 maps... Maybe update them a bit make them look all nice and pretty and offer them again in cheap DLC it will give modders and mission makers more to work with.

Just consider it BIS theres money to be made and people to please.

Edited by Yairweinberg

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Pity, I would much prefer a BIS DLC than the multiple addon variants that will come from the community.

That's going to hurt MP...

There will probably be one very good version that should become the standard one to get.

Perhaps they will have more time after the final campaign episode is complete.

Edited by EDcase

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Nothing in Maruk's statement was about a port being pushed back in the schedule, it was just flat out 'we're releasing the Arma 2 sources INSTEAD of porting it ourselves'.

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Pity, I would much prefer a BIS DLC than the multiple addon variants that will come from the community.

That's going to hurt MP...

This ^^

As much as I appreciate everyone putting their time and effort into porting weapons/vehicles into Arma 3, at the moment it's doing more harm for MP than good. With different variants of the same ports being released by different authors, weapons being released here and there, unit packs coming out separately for each faction, and vehicles being released all over the place - it's getting a bit chaotic.

From a server admin perspective, it's almost impossible to expect public players to have every A2 weapon/vehicle/unit installed separately instead of one single mod/DLC. I really don't understand whatever happened to the Community Upgrade Project, or at least the idea of it.

I really hope mod authors start collaborating together to release all Arma 2 assets as one big package/DLC (e.g. @A2_Assets). A3MP did it for maps and look how successful that has become.

Is there something I'm missing perhaps? Feel free to batter me round the back of the head if I am :p

Edited by GDSN

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Hello there



Its not the ultimate solution but is a great step forward.



Haha, 2 days after my post and this gets released :P

Thanks for showing me this. You have no idea how happy I am to see that this exists!

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