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Phantom Six

Any Community Still Playing?

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Hello people of Iron Front.

After the Iron Front lite mod for Arma 2 and such are out. I'm wondering if there's any communities that are still playing around so that I can make some MP missions for this and know that I can get some possible feedbacks for them so I won't make missions that are too imbalance or buggy.


Oh and a headcount of player numbers would be nice too so I know what range number of players to make missions for. (I make no revive/respawn missions except for group and side respawn as long as there's AI left to spawn in. Your classic type of coop missions).

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Hi Phantom Six

I still play IFL:44 but mostly in Single Player. I used to run regular co-op no respawn missions on the Phoenix Soldiers Server every Sunday last year, for approx 12 players a week. But, with Arma 3 released, many players dropped IFL:44 for Arma 3.

However, with all the recent noise around IFL:44 again on this forum and even more consistent noise over at the IRONFRONT FANS FORUM, http://ironfront.forumchitchat.com/ mine and others interest in playing regular MP mission events has been revived.

I intend to initially revive my interest in hardcore MP missions, by firstly joining the next mission event on the Arma2.RU HardMode Server. They play PvP mission events and use "Arma 2 radio TS plugin" for their comms on Teamspeak 3. I think they have very large numbers of people still playing. Dozens of people I believe. Details of this group can be found below:


or more details over at the Steam Forums


But, to answer your question, I would love to see more co-op No respawn mission events, but I do not know of any groups that still run them for IFL:44 on a dedi' server.

Hope this helps

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Ahhh, I guess I'll start small then and slowly bits at a time then. I always play co-op no respawn missions during Comrades in Arms coop nights on sundays (tuesday and thursday too when I'm on vacation).

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Hello there

We're all somewhat fragmented, but there's quite a few of us out there and numbers are increasing.

If you want to pump out missions for us to test, feel free. My little group dont play public much as they are new and a little shy of coming out of their cave, but we play 2 or thee times a week.

We are mainly playing random missions similar to Domination or Patrol OPs but it would be nice to play some traditional missions.

Lastly we mainly play In A3 as the pros outweigh the cons bugs and all.



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I'll keep this in mind. I mainly would make it for Arma 2 though, though I'll make my own separate Arma 3 missions (haven't release those yet). I'll try to squeeze it in slowly as finals are approaching sooner or later for me.

What's your player count size usually in your group?

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Hello there

In my little group we have 4 or 5 newcommers to IFL, all but one have purchased the full game as a result of the LITE version.

I am also starting to play with the Russian "hardcore" community on scheduled events were they regularly have 30-60 folk playing.

Id be happy to see missions for any of the 3 variations (IFL/A2/A3) of Iron front!



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  orlok said:
Hello there

In my little group we have 4 or 5 newcommers to IFL, all but one have purchased the full game as a result of the LITE version.

I am also starting to play with the Russian "hardcore" community on scheduled events were they regularly have 30-60 folk playing.

Id be happy to see missions for any of the 3 variations (IFL/A2/A3) of Iron front!



Hi Orlok. What time zone in GMT (UTC) do you play in? Also what time do you start playing locally?

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Hullo there

My little group dont have a set time per se to play (for eg we havnt played this week as weve all been busy) but the Arma2.RU guys do have a timetable.

Im UK (GMT) based but play anytime im not busy.



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Phantom Six if you have missions for Iron front, or the conversion, I can host them for you on the MR link in my sig.

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