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How to put multiple scripts in the description.ext?

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Hi there, I have already seen a post along the same line by Nagase but I tried doing the fix suggested but to no avail. Recently I have been using LK's Nuke for a fun mission for my group and the description is used it seems for the audio starts. I wish to also add the ace spectator script starter but whenever I do the game CTD's and gives me the same error message Nagase had. How would I join these two together in one document so they could work? Sorry for the quite possible ridiculously easy question.

Ace Spectator Starter :

respawn = "bird";

respawndelay - 3;

LK Nuke Description:

respawn = "BASE";
respawndelay = 10;
disabledAI = 0;
showCompass = 1;
showGPS = 1;
showWatch = 1;

//---------------------LK Script Pack Sounds--------------------------------
class CfgSounds
sounds[] = {nuke1s, nuke2s, radzoneb, nblast, incoming, impact};

class nuke1s
	name = "nuke1s"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\nuke1s.wss, db + 100, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class nuke2s
	name = "nuke2s"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\nuke2s.wss, db + 10, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class radzoneb
	name = "radzoneb"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\radiation.ogg, db - 3, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class incoming
	name = "incoming"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\incoming.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class nblast
	name = "nblast"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\tom.wss, db + 2, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class impactMetalHardClose
	name = "impactMetalHardClose"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\impact_metal_hard.ogg, db + 6, 0.8};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class impactMetalHardStandard
	name = "impactMetalHardStandard"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\impact_metal_hard.ogg, db - 2, 0.6};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class impactMetalHardFar
	name = "impactMetalHardFar"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\impact_metal_hard.ogg, db - 10, 0.4};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class impactBodyHardClose
	name = "impactBodyHardClose"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\impact_body_hard.ogg, db + 5, 0.8};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class impactBodyHardStandard
	name = "impactBodyHardStandard"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\impact_body_hard.ogg, db - 2, 0.9};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class impactBodyHardFar
	name = "impactBodyHardFar"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\impact_body_hard.ogg, db - 10, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class impactMetalSoftClose
	name = "impactMetalSoftClose"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\impact_metal_soft.ogg, db + 10, 0.8};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class impactMetalSoftStandard
	name = "impactMetalSoftStandard"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\impact_metal_soft.ogg, db + 0, 0.7};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class impactMetalSoftFar
	name = "impactMetalSoftFar"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\impact_metal_soft.ogg, db - 10, 0.6};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class impactBodySoftClose
	name = "impactBodySoftClose"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\impact_body_soft.ogg, db + 10, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class impactBodySoftStandard
	name = "impactBodySoftStandard"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\impact_body_soft.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class impactBodySoftFar
	name = "impactBodySoftFar"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\impact_body_soft.ogg, db - 10, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class rhumble
	name = "rhumble"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\rhumble.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class interiorTurbolanceClose
	name = "interiorTurbolanceClose"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\interior_turbolanceClose.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class interiorTurbolanceStandard
	name = "interiorTurbolanceStandard"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\interior_turbolanceStandard.ogg, db - 5, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class interiorTurbolanceFar
	name = "interiorTurbolanceFar"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\interior_turbolanceFar.ogg, db - 5, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class shockwaveClose
	name = "shockwave"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\shockwave.ogg, db - 10, 0.4};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class shockwaveStandard
	name = "shockwave"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\shockwave.ogg, db - 15, 0.5};
	titles[] = {0, ""};
class shockwaveFar
	name = "shockwave"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {\lk\sound\shockwave.ogg, db - 20, 0.6};
	titles[] = {0, ""};

//---------------------LK Script Pack Sounds--------------------------------

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Unless I'm not understanding you just replace the 1st 2 lines with the ACE ones:

respawn = 1;  // 1 is bird, 3 is base
respawndelay = 3;  // don't think it matters if value is 3 or 10 for what you are doing
disabledAI = 0;
showCompass = 1;
showGPS = 1;
showWatch = 1;

See here for more info:


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Hi there, sorry for the incredibly late reply I totally forgot about this post. Originally when I tried what you said it broke but for some reason it randomly started working. Thanks!

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