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Make MLRS fire at a fixed point after trigger is executed

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Hi, i need help with a script where i can get a real MLRS controlled by AI to fire on a point multiple times after a trigger is executed, nothing fancy, can anyone help me with this? I tried many different scripts and tried my own but can't get it working.

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what's wrong with doArtilleryFire

try something like this:

_unit = MLRS_UNIT1
_targetPos = [xpos,ypos];
_shots = 20;
_unit doArtilleryFire [_targetPos, currentMagazine _unit, _shots];

While this does work, it does not play a sound, how do i fix that?

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Sadly this does not seem to change anything, still can not hear sound :(

---------- Post added at 21:36 ---------- Previous post was at 21:30 ----------

It appears that no matter what i use, the MLRS does not make a sound when fired through these command, though other artillery pieces do both with doartilleryfire and commandartilleryfire.

---------- Post added at 21:59 ---------- Previous post was at 21:36 ----------

weirdly enough sound does work with JSRS2, seems like the MLRS sound is bugged regardless if you use command/doartilleryfire

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DoArtillaryfire shoots the round silently


"silently" means without giving a fire command over the radio, like "2, fire at that position".

The MLRS won't make a sound when firing, that's an issue with the game itself.

Copypasting my post from another thread:

artillery unit init field:

nul = [this,"Marker1"] execVM "arty.sqf";


_arty = _this select 0;
_target = _this select 1;

while {alive _arty} do {
effectiveCommander _arty commandArtilleryFire [getMarkerpos _target, currentMagazine _arty, 1];
_arty setVehicleAmmo 1;
sleep 5;

This will fire indefinitely on the specified marker, you can put it into as many units as you want and use as many markers as you want.

Works for all artillery units.

Adjust the sleep to your liking and delete the setVehicleAmmo command if you want them to run out of ammo.


Edited by Grumpy Old Man

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