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Aircraft rotation and AmmoExplo effect

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Recently, I added small effect of pyrotechnic cartridges to default ACE ejection seat effect with this small script using Trigger in mission:

UnAssignVehicle pilot; 
pilot allowDamage false; 
piro = "B_25mm_HE" createVehicle (getPos air1); 
piro setVelocity [30,5,5]; 
pilot action ["EJECT", air1]; 
pilot allowDamage true;

As you can see, I had to "move" the ammo round to get the effect of its explosion. Is there other way to get the effect of exploded ammo only and not place the actual ammo in the aircraft (even for placing ammo, setDammage did not work)?

And next issue - is there any simple way to achieve an effect of an aircraft rotating along its X axis (like sometimes aircrafts' wrecks do) in the same time blocking any action from input controlers of a player (excluding a keyboard)? I am aware of the method where you can animate whole MLOD, but this time it is not relevant as it would require me to rework whole animation system for my Mig21.

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I'm also looking for a way to merely spawn the explosion effect.

My intent is to make a projectile explode while it's in the air. I can handle the part to 'remove' the shell and get it's last position.

How to make an explosion at that point just eludes me...

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