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Having the bridge destroyed from the start?

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I would like to have a mission starting with the bridge (or whatever house or tree, by the way) already destroyed.

I can see the Object ID, but when I double click it, there is no parameters page poping up (like we have with units or vehicules). Therefore I can't access an "initialization" field in which I could "set dammage".

Another way would be to do it through a trigger, but can I activate a trigger automatically when the mission starts?

Is there another way (in the script files, for instance...)?


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Make a trigger and in the condition field put - true. Then in the onactivation put - object number setdammage 1 - I can't remember what the number is for the bridge segments but go into the map, zoom in to the bridge, press "show ID's" then note down the number of the segment.

You'll have to setdammage each bit of the bridge.


object 3242 setdammage 1;object 3243 setdammage 1;object 3244 setdammage 1

tounge.gif PEACE

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Thanks a lot. Hadn't thought about the "true" condition being always true. The rest is easy: I used to blow it with a radio command...

Thanks a bundle.

So many questions to get something going! I guess that the next step for BIS is to design a "war" engine which deals with all the war at the island level by itself (Flacon 4 flight simulator has something like that. Very impressive: you fly your plane and fight your local opponent, and meanwhile there is a complete war going around on its own...).

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Sounds good, but what would be the point if you never got to see the war?

As F4 was a flight sim you got to see more of the area, it would be diffrent with OFP I suspect.


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Well, F4 is a flight sim, but at the level of Korea. So you actually don't see everything. But having a war at the level of the island would allow more dynamic local engagements:

. You would not need this stupid geographic restriction ("Huho, I think I am getting lost, I should look at my map") to prevent you from exiting the mission area (because you would encounter other troops)

. You would have more strategic freedom (i.e. take over another town first to get some armour before going back to your primary target)

. You could simplify mission scripting, if there was some AI dispatching troops and reinforcements here and there.

. Logistics and resupply would take care of themselves, adding some strategy.

In fact, there would be less difference between a campaign and a mission. They would need to lift the current limit on the number of groups (is it 63confused.gif). But in F4, all units far from the player are managed in a "simplified" way, rather than as individual-fully modelised entities, to keep the FPS up.

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