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[SP] Take The Red On - any islands, any location, instant action

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by Morieza

For ArmA 2, Arma 2 Free, ArmA 2 Combined Operations.


Rescue the defector (Rus), on insurgent territory.


- instant action, singleplayer only

- self-adaptable, only copy-paste-rename to port to any addon islands/maps (A2, A2CO)

- Center Peel tactic with AI teammates

- player can set/choose:

  • any location, land or sea insertion
  • difficulty mode, each have auto increase - depend on player score & health
  • random color effect, soft-medium color balance
  • weather
  • buildings condition = destroyed, hidden, unchanged
  • skip time
  • weapons = silenced, TWS (A2CO), rifle, sniper rifle, machinegun

- player can also set intro duration = normal/default, skip, longer, longest

- AI Huey will fly more safely over any high cliffs/mountains

- support/assist (AH1z Cobra), player must eliminate all air threat first

- recover weapon after swim, sea & inland water (A2, A2F)

- unique enemy patrol, no regular waypoint

- autoheal, slow for player and all enemy infantry, fast for teammate

- etc...


Get into game installation folder, extract to ..\Missions folder.

Credits & thanks:

- Bohemia Interactive

- Armaholic



  • Added: Center-Peel /Aussie Peelback tactic with AI teammates, peel option: left/left-back, right/right-back, formation heading.
  • Improved: Lowering starting-skill and resetting auto-increase-skill multiplier, now the easiest mode will no longer become the hardest, now if enemy unit dead, units remaining in his group will gain an extra skill (more casualties more group skill), new 20 difficulty mode, end mission bonus = +1%..... +400%.
  • Improved: Few ruins of destroyed buildings will be hidden to avoid OPFOR AI stuck when they trying to change group formation heading direction near ruin.


- Improved: Inland water check for recover weapon after swim (A2, A2F)

- Improved: Mi-8MT hunting movement

- Added: Weather option

- Added: Buildings condition option

- Removed: Enemy AI accuracy skill option (A2CO)

- Added: Difficulty mode option


Untested with any mods (ACE, ASR, etc...), if you are using mods then

encounter a problem during a mission, please disable them.


Take The Red On v1.02

This is my first mission,

thanks to everyone who tried this mission, I hope you like it.

Edited by Morieza

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Updated to version 1.01, see first post.

Edited by Morieza

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Hi LawlessBaron, thank you...

Edited by Morieza

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v1.02 release candidate 2.

Edited by Morieza

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Updated to version 1.02



  • Added:
    tactic with AI teammates, peel option: left/left-back, right/right-back, formation heading.
  • Improved: Lowering starting-skill and resetting auto-increase-skill multiplier, now the easiest mode will no longer become the hardest, now if enemy unit dead, units remaining in his group will gain an extra skill (more casualties more group skill), new 20 difficulty mode, end mission bonus = +1%..... +400%.
  • Improved: Few ruins of destroyed buildings will be hidden to avoid OPFOR AI stuck when they trying to change group formation heading direction near ruin.

Edited by Morieza

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