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KC Grimes

Grimes Crate Filler Script

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Author: KC Grimes

Script: Grimes Crate Filler

Version: V2.12

The Grimes Crate Filler script is an old-fashioned Ammo Crate Refill script for ArmA 3, including modular use of all weapons, attachments, magazines, items, clothing, bags, and much more!


This package includes an application of the script as part of an example mission. 


This README is intended to provide detailed information as to the purpose, function, FAQs, and minor troubleshooting for this script in addition to installation, uninstallation, and maintenance tips. For further information or specifics in the code, the user should read the comments to the code within the script files. 

Author Information


KC Grimes is the author of the Grimes Crate Filler. The script was made in order to provide mission makers a user-friendly means of customizing an ammo crate.


The purpose of this script is to provide a way for the mission maker to customize ammo crates in order to make their mission unique and as generalized or as focused as they would like. 

BI Forums Topic: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/161393-grimes-crate-filler-script/




At this time, there is no “installer” for the script, and it is instead a simple series of actions and file moves.  


1. Obtain the script files
    a. Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24116

    b. github: https://github.com/kcgrimes/grimes-crate-filler/releases
    c. Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1311994960
2. Simply copy the file "G_crate.sqf" into your mission directory
3. In the ArmA 3 editor, place an ammo crate found in the Empty -> Supplies -> Ammo section
4. In the crate's Init field, type the following command:

null = [this] execVM "G_crate.sqf";


Basic Settings:  
_weaponCount             = 10; //Quantity of each weapon/launcher  
_ammoCount               = 50; //Quantity of each type of ammunition/explosive  
_itemCount               = 10; //Quantity of each type of item (gadgets, attachments, etc.)  
_uniformCount            = 3; //Quantity of each type of uniform/hat/helmet/glasses (suggested to keep small due to not being stackable)  
_bagCount                = 3; //Quantity of each type of bag/vest (suggested to keep small due to not being stackable)  
_refreshTime             = 600; //Amount of time (seconds) until crate empties/refills (0 is no refresh)  

Advanced Settings: 
_NATO_Weapons            = 1; //All BLUFOR weapons  
_OPFOR_Weapons           = 1; //All OPFOR weapons  
_Ind_Weapons             = 1; //All Independent weapons  
_Base_Weapons            = 1; //All weapons selected above will only be base/stock variants with no attachments (see attachments parameter)  
_NATO_Launchers          = 1; //All BLUFOR rocket/missile launchers  
_OPFOR_Launchers         = 1; //All OPFOR rocket/missile launchers  
_Ind_Launchers           = 1; //All Independent rocket/missile launchers  
_Weapon_Ammo             = 1; //All ammunition used by any weapons or launchers pulled from above parameters  
_Plantable_Explosives    = 1; //All plantable explosive devices (mines, charges, etc.) (not sorted by faction)  
_Grenade_Launcher_Ammo   = 1; //All grenade launcher ammo  
_Throwables              = 1; //All throwable munitions (smokes, grenades, chemlights, etc.)  
_Attachments             = 1; //All weapon attachments (not sorted by faction)  
_Items                   = 1; //All items (gadgets, kits, binoculars, rangefinder, laser designator, anything else on player that is not a bag or weapon)  
_Headgear                = 1; //All hats and helmets  
_Glasses_Goggles         = 1; //All glasses and goggles  
_BLUFOR_Uniforms         = 1; //All BLUFOR uniforms (Note: Can only wear the uniforms of the player's faction, though Civilian can wear most all uniforms)  
_OPFOR_Uniforms          = 1; //All OPFOR uniforms (Note: Can only wear the uniforms of the player's faction, though Civilian can wear most all uniforms)  
_Independent_Uniforms    = 1; //All Independent uniforms (Note: Can only wear the uniforms of the player's faction, though Civilian can wear most all uniforms)  
_Civilian_Uniforms       = 1; //All Civilian uniforms (Note: Can only wear the uniforms of the player's faction, though Civilian can wear most all uniforms)  
_Other_Uniforms          = 1; //All Other uniforms (Note: Can only wear the uniforms of the player's faction, though Civilian can wear most all uniforms)  
_Vests                   = 1; //All vests and chest rigs  
_Empty_Bags              = 1; //All empty, normal backpacks  
_Preset_Bags             = 1; //All preset bags (normal bags containing a preset of items, such as First Aid Kits and Explosives)  
_Assemble_Bags           = 1; //All backpacks that lack cargo but can be used or combined with another bag to assemble a device or static weapon  
_Exclusion_Array         = []; //Array of classnames, as strings, of specifc items to be excluded  
_Debug                   = 1; //Dump formatted return of all entities added to ammo box to .rpt  




This README is intended to provide detailed information as to the purpose, function, FAQs, and minor troubleshooting for this script in addition to installation, uninstallation, and maintenance tips. For further information or specifics in the code, the user should read the comments to the code within the script files. Any further questions or comments can be directed to the author. 



Grimes Crate Filler hosted on Armaholic

Grimes Crate Filler hosted on github

Grimes Crate Filler hosted on Steam Workshop

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Thanks for the help Foxhound! Updated the links here and on the Armaholic launch post.

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Updating to version 2.0. Reason for the big jump is that I essentially re-worked the entire script to accomplish the same goal, but in a way that did not involve the manual entering of classnames. In addition, you are now able to also sort between empty/normal backpacks, pre-filled backpacks, and bags used for assembling weapons. Original post updated with download link, new parameters, and new info.

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Very nice but i am a noob, how i put this in mission that i downloaded and the campaign?

thank you!

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Very nice but i am a noob, how i put this in mission that i downloaded and the campaign?

thank you!

First, please redownload it if you already have downloaded, as I just updated the update. About your question, there are installation instructions inside the G_crate.sqf file in the .rar that include more than you need to know.

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Sorry i didn't read that file! i did that but i don't know how to execute it in a already made mission, not using the editor sandbox

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Thanks a lot for informing us about the update :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Sorry i didn't read that file! i did that but i don't know how to execute it in a already made mission, not using the editor sandbox

Short answer...you can't.

Long answer...you can, but it involves de-pbo ing and re-editing the mission etc

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Awesome work! For someone who doesn't script, it was easy enough to add some of the weapons and uniform stuff to the sqf. Learned alot by tooling around with it too...many thanks!

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Awesome work! For someone who doesn't script, it was easy enough to add some of the weapons and uniform stuff to the sqf. Learned alot by tooling around with it too...many thanks!

I'm glad to hear this, that was the idea! Enjoy!

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Updated OP. V1.0 ("manual") and V2.0 (dynamic from config) are now hosted on github and documentation is slightly adjusted for organization.


I would like there to be a V2.1 or V3.0 release, depending on how much changing is to be done. Greater use of functions and cleaner code while working with the config references is the goal for the next update. Additionally, I am undecided about whether or not the old "manual" version will be merged in to the current script or just left out of the next update altogether. 


If anyone has any ideas or wants to contribute, by all means go for it. Otherwise I imagine I will get to it eventually.


At least for me, there is pleasure in loading out a unit from an ammo crate the old fashion way as opposed to a fancy UI. 

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Updated OP to V2.1!


This update contains significant optimizations and fixes to the previous version, and a few new features. The heavy lifting is now done once through a dynamic function, and only the result is used in repeated executions upon "refreshing" the crate. Weapons, items, and gear added in DLCs since the launch of ArmA 3 are now included. Independent weapons are now their own parameter. Multiple error messages avoided. The user can now define specific classnames to be excluded. Extensive in-line documentation of the code is now provided. Now available on the Steam Workshop. For more detailed changelog, see the github page.


The older "manual" version was completely removed, as this type of script is simple enough to be done on one's own if necessary. 


I had hoped for the script to be completely dynamic, not relying on strings of classnames to denote factions or object "types" and the like. Unfortunately, there were numerous conflicts and/or inconsistencies in the config while doing this, and it was just not worth it. So the V2.0 system was simply improved upon, and the strings for identifying certain "groups" of weapons were optimized in order to be more accurate and also include weapons/items/etc. added in the DLCs.



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Hotfix to V2.11 for fixing typo and adding Armaholic mirror to package, just README changes.



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Released V2.12; see OP for github link until mirrors are updated. This release updates Grimes Crate Filler in response to the new launchers, helmets, and uniforms added by ArmA 3 game update 1.82.

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