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Destroy everything in range except player units and their vehicles

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I have a co-op mission where a certain interaction should cause everything in a certain range around some object to be destroyed (eg buildings and trees), but the players and their vehicles should remain unharmed.

I am using a simple script that loops through every item in 'nearestObjects' and damages it, but this also damages the units (even if allowDamage is set to false first). I solved that by checking first if the current object is in the player's group:

_grp = group squadLeader;
_units = units _grp;

if (_x in _units) then
	// object is in player's group, do something else
               // destroy it
	_x setdamage 1;
} forEach (nearestObjects [(getpos objPos), [], 250]);

This works, the units don't get killed but everything around them does. Now there is one problem remaining however: if the units happen to be in a vehicle, it will be destroyed and the units will die after all. How can I extend this check to also skip the vehicles that units might be inside of? If a unit happens to be NEAR a vehicle that is no problem, that vehicle should just explode and kill the unit, only the vehicles that units are actually in should remain alive.

I could simply check if _x is in the vehicle of the squad leader (eg "_x in vehicle squadLeader") but that doesn't cover everything because some units may be in another vehicle. In other words; how do I extend this check so that it skips every vehicle that has a unit from the _units array inside it?

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_units = units _grp;
   if (vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in _units)) // if there's a vehicle for a unit different than the unit itself, and this vehicle is not in the list yet
      _units set [count _units, vehicle _x]; // add it to the list; using "set" because it's faster

} forEach _units;

if (_x in _units) then
} forEach (nearestObjects [(getpos objPos), [], 250]);

Edited by DarkWanderer
even better now

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