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irregular fps with gtx 770 and Intel i7 2600

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Hello, I have been playing Arma3 for a while now and have noticed that my FPS, which is usually in the 70-80 range, gets really low sometimes, in singleplayer. This happens during things like intense firefights and the campaign, which makes me suspect that it might be a CPU issue. I thought that I had a good CPU (@ 3.4 ghz, non K version) but this game is making me think otherwise. Is it time for an upgrade?

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Hello, I have been playing Arma3 for a while now and have noticed that my FPS, which is usually in the 70-80 range, gets really low sometimes, in singleplayer. This happens during things like intense firefights and the campaign, which makes me suspect that it might be a CPU issue. I thought that I had a good CPU (@ 3.4 ghz, non K version) but this game is making me think otherwise. Is it time for an upgrade?

CPU should be fine. Arma 3 does have that problem with most people. But there could be other reasons...

Did you check your RPT file(s) for excessive spam? It might happen that with some mods or custom missions, your RPT gets spammed and your HDD hogged down, along with your game. You could try the "-nologs" Parameter, but then no RPT will be written anymore, so only use to see if that solves your problem and remove when playing without mods or less "logging-intensive" missions...

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Many thanks for the reply. Where do I enter the "-nologs" parameter? In the Steam properties tab when you right click on the game in the library? I only have one custom mission that I never play anymore, so I am fine with no RPT being written anymore, and "-nologs" will fix that problem, if it exists?

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yes in the properties tab when you right click the game on steam. you will see a button "launch options" or something like that. Click on it and write -nologs

hope this help

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Yeah sounds like the CPU is bogging down your system. This is to be expected under most circumstances in A3 since its very CPU heavy.

How much does the fps drop?

You could try to overclock your processor, the more space CPU power you have the better A3 will handle firefights.

Besides that you might want to tweak your graphics settings. Lower settings that take up CPU power, mainly view distance. Also changing shadow quality higher changes shadow rendering method from stencil shadows(CPU) to shadow maps(GPU).

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Ok thanks. I messed around with launch options a bit and the above mentioned items, and I think that performance has increased dramatically in all but the most intense of firefights. I cannot overclock my processor, it is locked, but I'll think about that for the future. Thanks.

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Chech out if you have v-sync enabled. Sometimes it tends(for me) to drop fps unnecessarily to 30 fps(while I can achieve 40+ but not 60) so i've disabled it.

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yea, disable your vsync. Shouldn't make 2 shits, since vsync holds your fps to your refresh rate (Usually 60) to prevent screen tears.

you can also try adding in this to your launch parameters

-skipintro -nosplash -cpucount=4 -exthreads=7 -nopause

I feel sorry for you since you bought the restrained version of an amazing cpu. My 2600k is steady on 4.4 atm (I'm using another computer with a 3930k in it also clocked to 4.4). Sadly, arma almost requires a 4.0+ Frequency to get any decent frames.

with my setup, I maintain a pretty steady 40fps in ultra over 3 screens. It really only dips if the server I'm playing on is having massive code issues or a hacker gets in and fucks with people.

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Hello, I have been playing Arma3 for a while now and have noticed that my FPS, which is usually in the 70-80 range, gets really low sometimes, in singleplayer. This happens during things like intense firefights and the campaign, which makes me suspect that it might be a CPU issue. I thought that I had a good CPU (@ 3.4 ghz, non K version) but this game is making me think otherwise. Is it time for an upgrade?

I am running an over clocked dual bios gtx 780 classified and I have v sync switched off, getting monster frames with short view distance, 1000m. Vehicle detonation and explosions, smoke fx etc cause large fps hits unfortunately. Other than that I don't miss my old gtx 580 Hoover. Literally going from 35 fps to 80 on average.

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Yeah I am kind of pissed about buying a pre-made system that had the non OC version of the 2600 in it. I put the 770 in a while ago and that's as far as it will go. The poor thing (XPS 8300) literally cannot fit anything else in it. Well at least now I know if I want to upgrade I won't touch the graphics card... Probably am going to have to build an entirely new rig though.

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